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What is yoga?

 The asanas taught at the Art of Living Yoga Camp have made a significant difference in the lives of those who practice them daily.  People have seen relief from chronic illnesses and changes in behavior.  Participants in the camp and those who practice daily say that they feel happier, have less agitation, have increased stamina, feel peace of mind and overall well-being.

 The Art of Living Yoga

 The Art of Living Yoga is a ten-hour workshop that spans three to five days and provides a pleasurable experience by absorbing the body's breath and mind.  A similar emphasis is placed on techniques for mind and soul care, while asanas: a combination of gentle and vigorous series, are taught for the well-being of the body.  Through the multi-dimensional regular combination yoga postures, breathing techniques, yoga, knowledge and meditation through the Art of Living Yoga, students receive a full law home practice.  It is suitable for beginners as well as experienced yoga practitioners. It is suitable for beginners as well as experienced yoga practitioners. Through the practices taught in this workshop, participants can lose weight and treat chronic diseases such as insomnia, asthma, diabetes, hypertension and migraine.  .

 Yoga for Survey

 One of the virtues of yoga is that its asanas help young or old to keep their body fit and healthy.  As you grow older you can better understand the asanas of yoga.  Instead of trying to recover, they wallow in their sadness and thus, experience more failure.

 Yoga was never unfamiliar to us.  We've been doing that since we were little kids.  Then there is the cat stretch which strengthens the spine or there is pavanmuktasana which helps in digestion.  You will see that a small child does some yoga poses during the day.  Yoga can have different meanings for many people.  We are committed to helping you find the "one wait for yoga-life."

 Ayurveda - The science of life

 Ayurveda is a complete and powerful method of healing the mind and body of the world.  It is not only a method of treating disease but also a science of life.  It gives the person the knowledge of the body as to how to stay fit and healthy, knowing the full human potential.

 It helps a person stay healthy by using the laws of nature.  For which the body, mind and soul of a person also maintains balance with nature.  Adopting Ayurveda also improves yoga practice.  A complete victory situation. This chapter will give you many tips and guidance of Ayurveda for a healthy lifestyle.

 Pranayama-breathing process and meditation

 Pranayama means a systematic process of breathing and breathing to get more oxygen to the blood and brain which helps in controlling the life or energy of life.  Atlaj is also associated with the asanas of pranayama yoga.  The combination of these two principles of yoga is the best form for purity and discipline of body and mind.  The process of pranayama also prepares us for the experience of deep meditation.  Learn about the different methods of pranayama in this chapter.



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 Patanjali Yogasutra

 In this chapter Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji Puranic Granth, Patanjali Yogasutra, in which Yoga - sheds light on the subject of its origin and purpose.  The main purpose of interpreting this Yoga Sutra is to understand its principles and why it is put into practice.  Understanding each and every one of his sutras Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji has explained the benefits of a yogic lifestyle in a practical way.

 Do you fall back into life because of physical problems?  Do your emotions interfere with your personal or professional life?  Find out more about how to get out of trouble naturally without having to make special changes in your life with the help of yoga.

The meaning of yoga and its benefits

 What is Yoga? Benefits of Yoga Beneficial for Lazy People Exercise Yoga for Beauty of Bodypower Yoga Benefits of Yoga Meditate Healthy Living Life Yoga - Useful for Enhancing Eyes Yoga Tips for Staying Cool Yoga is Good for Pregnant Women

 What is yoga?

 The word yoga has two meanings and both are important.  The first is Jod and the second is Samadhi.  It is difficult to reach Samadhi unless we connect with ourselves.  Yoga is not a philosophy or a religion, it is a little more than mathematics.  Add two to two, only four will come.  Then whether you believe it or not, just try it.  Putting one's hand in the fire will only burn one's hand, this is not a matter of believing.

 'Yoga is above religion, faith and superstition.  Yoga is a simple science.  Is an experimental science.  Yoga is the art of living life.  Yoga is a complete healing method.  There is a complete road - Rajpath.  Religion is a bond that binds everyone together and yoga shows the way to liberation from all kinds of bonds - Osho.

 Patanjali has created eight CDs to reach perfect health, say to God, to truth, to self, to salvation.  If you only climb one ladder, you don't have to push for the other, you just have to push for the first.  Take the initiative.  Know that yoga is a scientific process of gradual progress towards its ultimate power. You will reach it if you run.

 Just as Einstein's name is paramount in the outer world of science, so is Einstein Patanjali in the inner world of the mind.  Just as the Himalayas are the best in the mountains, so is yoga the best in all philosophies, rituals, policies, rules, religions and systems.

 Yoga is a broader subject.  If you have heard - Gnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Dharma Yoga, and Karma Yoga.  The word yoga is connected to all this.  Then you may have heard about Hatha Yoga, but apart from all this, the Raja Yoga is Patanjali's Yoga.

 This is the highest prevalence and importance of yoga.  We call this yoga Ashtanga Yoga.  Ashtanga yoga means the eight limbs of yoga.  Patanjali has divided all the disciplines of yoga into eight yogas.  Now there is nothing beyond this.

 From the first five limbs, one prepares to enter yoga, that is, the study of pre-preparation to cross the Bhavsagar by jumping into the sea is summed up in these five limbs.  Bhavsagar cannot be crossed without doing this, and those who do not jump by doing this will remain here.  Most people ruin their lives by mastering these five and showing the miracles of yoga.

These are the eight limbs -

 Yamaniyam asana pranayama pratyaharadharanadhyana samadhi. The above eight organs also have their own sub-organs.  Recently, only three limbs of yoga are in circulation - asana, pranayama, and meditation.

 If you want to know God, know the truth, get achievements or just stay healthy, then Patanjali says you have to start from the body.  If you change the body, the mind will change.  If you change your mind, your intellect will change.  If the intellect changes, the soul will heal itself.  The soul is healthy.  Only a healthy self can attain Samadhi.

 Those who have conflict in their mind always live in anxiety, fear and doubt.  His life is seen as a struggle, not a joy.

 Yoga inhibits all types of moods - Yogashchittinirodha.  Chitta means the conscience formed by the activities of the instincts called intellect, ego and mind.  You can also call it the unconscious mind if you wish, but this conscience is considered to be more subtle than this.

 All the religions of the world want to capture this mind, so they have tied people to their respective religions by creating different rules, action scandals, planets and constellations and fear of God.  Patanjali says to fulfill this mind.

 Yoga does not teach to believe or to doubt.  The state of doubt between faith and doubt is antithetical to yoga.  Yoga says use what you have the ability to know.

 Your eyes can see anything else that is not normally visible.  Your ears can also hear what is called Anahata.  Anahata means a sound that is not born of any union, which the wise people call Om, the same Amen, the same Amen and the same Omkar.

 So first of all you have to strengthen your senses.  Make the body fickle.  And enslave this mind.  And all this is easy to do - like two or four.

 Yoga says not to oppress the body and mind, but to transform this.  Only this transformation will change lives.  Don't worry if you think I can't give up my habits, which I'm fed up with.  Add a 'yoga' to these habits and fall far behind.  Even if you don't want to, the result will come to you.

 We will show you in detail what yoga is in 'Yoga Dimensions'.



The benefits of yoga

 After waking up in the morning, you don't have much time to exercise.  But to keep the whole day energetic you need to do yoga asanas.  It will only take 10 minutes to do.

 There are many benefits to doing yoga.  Doing regular yoga strengthens your heart.  Avoid stress.  Memory is strengthened.  BP does not remain a problem.  Weight gain.  In addition, the most important thing is the transmission of positive energy in your brain.  So get up every morning and try these yogas and keep your body fit and healthy.

 Balasan - Doing this asana strengthens the body muscles and reduces belly fat.  To do this asana, sit on the ground with your knees bent and place all your body on the audio.  Take a deep breath and lean forward.  Your chest should touch the thighs and try to touch the ground through your head.  Hold this position for a few seconds and return to normal.

Bhujangasana - This asana reduces excess body fat and makes your body flexible.  Bhujang is called a cobra in English and this is a fun snake-shaped seat.  Hence this asana is named Bhunjagasan.  To do this, lie on the ground on your stomach.  Now lift the body from the waist up with both hands.  Also the elbows should be bent.  Hands open and spread on the ground.  Now move the face upwards without moving the rest of the body.  Stay in this position for a while.

 Uttarasana - This asana is practiced while standing.  This asana exercises the bones of the head, waist and legs as well as the spine.  It is especially beneficial to practice this posture after standing up and practicing yoga.  Stand up straight to do it.  Bring the breathing hand over the head.  Pull the body up.  Bend the body forward from the hips.  Now place the head and neck in a relaxed posture towards the ground and lift the hips upwards.  Hold this position for one minute.

 Trikonasana - Do Trikonasana to reduce excess body fat.  Stand up straight to do this.  Keep a distance of one meter between both the legs.  Keep both sides straight from the shoulders.  Bend at the waist.  Exhale.  Now touch the left foot with the right hand.  Keep the left hand towards the sky.  Keep the shoulders straight.  Look at the left hand.  Stay in this position for two-three minutes.  Now straighten the body and stand up while breathing.

 Paschimottasana - This asana is very helpful in reducing belly fat.  Constipation, indigestion, gas,

 Beneficial in belching and diabetes.  To do this, sit with your legs spread out in front of you. Now place your palms on your knees, move your breathing arms upwards and straighten your waist and pull them upwards.  Exhale, bend forward and hold the toes with the hands and bring the head towards the knees.  The knees should not bend here.  Try to touch the elbows to the ground.  Close your eyes and hold your breath for a while.  Then come back breathing

 Exercise beneficial for lazy people

 Exercise is recommended to keep the body healthy.  With this advice in mind we all plan regular exercise, but after 1-2 days of exercise the whole plan stays the same due to laziness.  The sad thing is that if you are lazy for a long time, you can get heart disease at an early age.

 If we tell you that there are some exercises that we can do to stay healthy even if we are lazy.  Yes, do this exercise and stay lazy and fit together by sitting on the ball - start by sitting on the medicine ball instead of sitting on a chair.  Because you have to try to balance yourself while sitting on the ball, this S can be a good exercise.  Sitting in a chair and doing leg exercises - You can sit comfortably in a chair and exercise by lifting both legs one by one.  This way you can achieve a healthy and strong thigh by sitting on a chair.

Sit against the wall - To do this exercise, stand against the wall and slowly bend your knees down to a 90 degree angle.  You can do this exercise again by staying in the same position for a while.  Put on pushups and situps on the bed- We want to do pushups now but don't want to get out of bed.  No matter, we can also exercise in bed.  Because the buff is very soft, it is much easier to balance yourself while doing pushups.  Talk on the phone while walking - you can run at any time by singing any of your favorite songs in the middle of the day.  This 4-5 minute run will keep your body healthy and the song will also refresh your mood.

 Yoga for the Body of Beauty

 There is nothing better than yoga for natural beauty and soft body.  Girls should adopt yoga to build a flexible body.  This can make you beautiful and sexy.  This will be the glow on the face and you will look forever.  Face Shine: No matter the color of the face but if there is elegance or glow on the face then you are able to attract everyone to you.  The radiance of the face is related to the purity of our stomach and mouth.  There are four ways to purify both.  It is necessary to do all four, but learning from a yoga teacher.  First conch washing 2. Mouth related subtle exercises and Brahmamudra 

3. Sarvag Asana and Shirshasana and 

4. Jalneti and Kapalbhranti Pranayam.  Then you just meditate for five minutes.  Beauty of the body: If you have a lean body, the attraction increases.  Which keeps the body healthy and beautiful.  The beauty of the body is related to our spine and flesh.  If necessary fat is fatal to the flesh and spinal cord.  Even if the fat is not at all, it is fatal.  So balance is essential.  Balance comes from the bones being flexible and strong.  Learn four remedies for this too.  Do subtle exercises, 2. Do six asanas regularly - Tadasana, Trikonasana, Paschimottanasana, Ustrasana, Dhanurasana and Naukasana 3. Pranayama 4. Massage.

 Yoga Package - You can also combine Kunjal, Sutraneti, Jalneti, Dugdhaneti, Vastra Ghadati Karma in the above asanas.  Kapol Shakti Vikas, Sarvag Pushti, Surya Namaskar and yoga bath are also beneficial.

 Benefits of Power Yoga

 Power Yoga is a combination of 12 asanas of sun salutation and some other asanas.  Power yoga is a type of yoga in which you only have to devote 45 minutes during the day.  In Power Yoga all actions are done without stopping very quickly.  Which burns calories of the body and also releases good sweat



 Benefits of Doing Power Yoga -

 Burns calories. Increases stamina, strength, flexibility of the body. Increases blood circulation and increases immunity. All the dirt is expelled through service.

 Is Power Yoga Better Than Other Cardio and Strength Enhancement Exercises?

 Where 1 hour of power yoga burns 200 calories, other exercises like aerobics, swimming and jogging burn 300 to 400 calories in 1 hour.  But Power Yoga tones your body well, also without any stress on any part of the body.  So this yoga is considered very good for the elderly as it does not have any bad effect on the muscles or the hakada.  Do Power Yoga at least three times a week. 

 This increases the body's ability to burn calories which can easily reduce obesity and give the body an attractive shape. Even if there is back pain, doing this yoga gives strength to the spine.  Power yoga involves hard and constant actions.  The same action is repeated over and over again.  All the emphasis is on physical strength and flexibility.  Frequent actions make you sweat more.  This also causes rapid weight loss.  Power yoga is considered to be very good for getting quick benefits but power yoga only gets its benefits as long as it is done.  Relaxation may occur in the body after stopping this yoga.  This is why power yoga should be done with the advice of a yoga expert.

 Do Yoga Meditation Live a healthy life

 Follow yoga and meditation regularly if you want a healthy life.  This way of keeping life healthy is evergreen and more and more people are turning to this.  Experts believe that meditating for 20 minutes every day for months will see a big improvement in your health.

Tensions are rising around today.  People are turning to meditation to find peace in this.  In fact now people are starting to find solutions to physical and mental problems in yoga.  If you are one of these then the Refresh Yoga option will help you.

 Refresh Yoga: Some people say that there is no time to breathe in daily life, so where to find time for yoga or meditation.  Refresh yoga will be beneficial for those who complain like this.  Let’s say refreshing yoga is part of pranayama, but if you do it you will gradually get relief.  If you are tired, you will start to feel healthy in a few days.  This is the easiest way to freshen up and the special thing is that this yoga can be done anywhere on the bus, train, plane.  .

 Open and close the fist.  Also open and close the toes in this way. Open and close the whole mouth.  Twist the ears. Open me. Stretch my body. If you are stressed, let the air out of the abdomen completely out and let the air enter it again. Do this five-six times.  Laugh at me openly when you get a chance to laugh. Yoga Tonic: After eight hours of sleep, if you can't stay tension free or feel completely relaxed, then adopt a yoga tonic.  Be the first to make yoga music a part of your life.  Yoga music is music that gives peace of mind. 

 Immerse yourself completely in this music.  Staying in the shadow of this music for about 10 minutes will refresh you.  Be careful not to play this music slowly.  Laughter Yoga: Experts believe that being happy and content is the secret to longevity.  So laugh out loud three times in the morning, afternoon and evening.  Laugh as loud as you can.  Remember that your laughter should come from within.  Not just your lips.  Smile for 1 to 2 minutes at a time.  Repeat this action two to three times.  Laughing openly will improve your blood circulation and keep you healthy.  Pronunciation of Om: You can also pronounce Om in a slow voice.  Hold your breath and do this for as long as you can.  This way your mind will feel peace from within.  Then your brain cells will also get rest.  When pronouncing this, keep the abdomen stretched in as long as possible.

 Yoga - Yoga is useful for increasing the brightness of the eyes

 The eyes are an important part of our body so it is our responsibility to take good care of them.  With age, the muscles around our eyes lose their flexibility and become stiff.  You should do yoga regularly to increase the brightness of the eyes.  Yoga can correct myopia and hypermetropia.

 Pranayama - Many people who work on the computer for 8-10 hours continuously can damage their eyes.  Just sleeping is not enough to relax the eyes.  Problems with memory loss and irritability due to weakness in the eyes are very common problems.  For which eye yoga is very necessary.  Pranayama stabilizes the brain and maintains the radiance of the eyes.  Pranayama keeps both body and mind healthy.

 Swasana - To do this asana, calm the mind and lie down on your back.  Leave the legs loose and keep the arms parallel to the body.  Let the body freeze completely on the ground.  Doing this asana will reduce body fatigue and pressure.  Breathing and pulse rate will be normal.  The eyes will relax and the brightness of the eyes will also increase.

Sarvangasana - Go straight to sleep with back burns.  Combine the legs, keeping the hands on the ground with the palms parallel on both sides.  Slowly lift the legs 30 degrees, then 60 degrees and finally 90 degrees with the help of the hand as needed to fill the breath.  If you cannot lift the legs up to 90 degrees, bring the legs to 120 degrees and lift the arms and support them behind the waist.  When returning, bend the legs slightly, keeping the legs straight.  Remove both hands from the waist and straighten.  Now slowly straighten the back and then the legs on the ground in the same order in which they were raised, creating pressure on the ground with the palms.

 Keep your eyes open while doing asanas.  Doing this asana will brighten the eyes.  This asana is very useful for children's brains.  Disorders like shortness of breath, obesity, weakness and fatigue are also removed by doing this asana.

 Tips to stay cool through yoga

 Flatulence has become a common problem in changing lifestyles.  Medicine provides relief but also causes many problems.  If we do yoga regularly, we can get rid of it forever.  The cause of gas formation - Carbohydrates in food.  Excess of protein and starchy substances.  Lack of physical labor.  Eating late at night and going to bed.  Lack of lettuce and fibrous fruit vegetables.  Feces-urine.  Stopping the winds of Apan Vayu.  More salt to eat.  Use of spicy and hot chilli-spices.  Stomach related diseases - Constipation, diarrhea, bloating, colitis, gallstones etc. also cause gas.

 Beneficial compound action

 Asanas: Pawan Muksasana, Vajrasana, Shashankasana, Naukasana, Bhujangasana, Supta Varjasana, Matsyasana, Mayurasana, Kati Chakrasana. Closed: Aviation closed.  Agrisa Kriya. Mudra - Yoga Mudra, Apan Mudra, Ashwini Mudra. Pranayama: Bhrasika, Kapalbhranti, Anulom-Vilom.  Take 600 ml of water with lemon on an empty stomach in the morning.  Thuli for breakfast .. Use khichdi or mugni dal soup.  Put green vegetables in oatmeal or khichdi or eat sprouted food. Thick flour bread for lunch. Eat peeled lentils, green vegetables and lettuce.  Take 250 ml buttermilk or roasted cumin two hours after meal. Have dinner around 9 o'clock.  Eat bread green vegetables.

 Yoga is beneficial for pregnant women

 Doing yoga reduces depression in pregnant women and makes mothers feel more attached to their unborn baby.  Researchers at the University of Michigan have found in a new study that if pregnant women do yoga, their depression can be reduced and the bond between mother and child can be increased.

A new study claims that hormones produced in women during pregnancy discourage women, causing one in five women who are going to become mothers to suffer from severe depression.  Studies have shown that pregnant women have a higher psychological risk and that women who do mindful yoga for 10 weeks have a significant reduction in the symptoms of depression.

 By doing yoga, a woman who is going to become a mother feels a connection with the unborn baby.  The study was led by Maria Music, an assistant professor of psychiatry and an assistant research specialist at the Human Growth and Development Center.  "Our research has shown that the symptoms of depression in pregnant women can be effectively reduced with the help of yoga," he said.







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