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Whatsapp"ગ્રુપ મા જોડાવવા

ગુજરાત પંચાયત ભરતી
સ્ટાફ નર્સ, હિસાબ અધિકારી,હિસાબનીશ 



LAST DATE:- 27/01/2021


સ્ટાફ નર્સ, - 153 

હિસાબ અધિકારી,-14

નાયબ હિસાબનીશ - 191

વિસ્તરણ અધિકારી - 15

Whatsapp"ગ્રુપ મા જોડાવવા

How to apply and pay the application fee: -

13.1 In this context, the application will be accepted online only by the Board. Candidate will be able to fill up the application form during the period mentioned in the paragraph 1 of the advertisement.

12.5 Candidates to apply-

(1) First go to and then select “View All” in “Current Advertisement” and then select “GUJARAT PANCHAYAT SERVICE SELECTION BOARD (GPSSB)”

(2) Clicking on "Laboratory Technician's" public serial number 5-01 / 2021-3 will show the "Apply" and "Details" options on the screen. Clicking on “Details” will reveal the detailed disclosure, which should be read carefully. Candidates are advised to download and “SAVE” this disclosure for future reference.

(3) Now you can apply online by clicking on "Apply": -

(A) Apply With OTR - One Time Registration

By entering your ONE TIME REGISTRATION NUMBER (OTR) and date of birth on the Ojas platform and applying Apply With OTR, you will find the details in the application form at the time of registration (OTR) which should be looked at carefully. So that you can fill up the application form quickly. After confirming the online application, the candidate's application will be accepted online.

(B) Online application can be done by skipping and filling all the details.

To apply in this way, the candidate has to fill in the personal details like his name, date of birth etc. And all the required details like Communication Details, Others Details, Language Details, Educational Details etc. should be filled in the application form.

Candidate will then have to upload his / her photograph and signature. A copy of the same photo which has been uploaded will have to be affixed in the attendance sheet in the written examination. As well as at every subsequent stage the same photo will have to be submitted when the Board / Decision Authority requests. Therefore, keep four to five copies of the photograph uploaded in the online application form. If different photographs are presented at different stages, the allotment / appointment of the candidate may be hampered due to non-establishment of the identity of the candidate which will be the responsibility of the candidate himself.

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(4) Then read the "Declaration" on the left hand side of the form, if the conditions are valid then click on Yes and then save the application. Which the candidate has to save.

(5) Now click on "Confirm Application" at the top of the page and after clicking on "Application number" and "Birth Date" type, then clicking on Ok, three buttons (1) ok (2) show application preview and (3) confirm application will appear. Candidate should view his application by clicking on show application preview. To correct the application

Edit if you feel like it. Click on confirm application only if you do not feel the need to update the application after a thorough verification. By "confirming" the online application, the candidate's application will be accepted online.

(6) Once the online application is confirmed, no change can be made by the candidate or the board. Candidates will have to submit the required credentials to the board as per the details given in the application. Hence, the candidate should be identified on the basis of his / her original credentials, name / surname / surname, surname, date of birth, educational qualification, caste (category), gender (male / female), ex-husband, sputum, physical disability, etc. Names, surnames and other details will have to be displayed in the online application. If the Board is required to verify the authenticity of the credentials, the details given in the online application form and the credentials submitted by the candidate to the Board, if any kind of contradictory material is found, the candidature of the eligible candidates will be made by the Board. If an individual / candidature application is rejected due to incorrect or inconsistent details, it will not be the responsibility of the congregation. Therefore, candidates are advised to take special care to display their credentials and corresponding details online while applying. In this regard, the request for further increase in the details given in the online application will be accepted.

(7) A "confirmation number" will be generated upon confirming the application. Which is now required for all 5th proceedings, the candidate has to save. No correspondence can be entered without confirmation number. The candidate must delete the print of the confirmed application form and save it, and submit it when requested.

(8) By clicking on print application, confirmation number can be typed and by clicking on print application, the application can be deleted.

 (9) All the candidates of General Category have confirmed their online application

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 As per the correct names given in paragraph 12, any one of the two methodical examination fee of Rs.100 / - and service charge / postal charge will have to be paid through SBI e-pay online or through post office. The application of a General Category candidate who does not pay the fee within the stipulated time limit after the application is confirmed will be considered as "Canceled".

Included in the list of selected candidates are the candidates of that category who are the first choice in the district.

Candidates who are on duty by getting appointment as per the list are left vacant after the first opportunity of onscreen page re-districting (resuffling) which is included in the waiting list and recommendation list for the category which gives the candidates in that category according to their selection category. Jajalla will be allotted on the vacant space of that category.



સ્વામી વિવેકાનંદ જન્મ જયંતિ કવીઝ

Whatsapp"ગ્રુપ મા જોડાવવા

21 Minimum Qualifying Standard: -

The minimum qualifying standard in the relevant category will be determined by the Board subject to the provisions of Gaju Raat Digestive Service (Vagam-2) Recruitment (Examination) Rules, 2021.

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. Other important conditions: -

4.1 Candidate's educational qualification, computer knowledge, age, gender, caste (Category-EWS, SC, ST, SEBC), Ex-serviceman, Spotmus, Physical Disability, and other matters should be filled in the online application form based on the original credentials of the candidate. Will be considered. Candidates will have to submit the original (including Xerox copies) when the board asks for the certificates and proofs in support of the details given in the online application. Candidate's application which fails to produce such evidence or which appears to be inconsistent will be eligible for "cancellation" from that stage and the candidature / selection / appointment of such candidate will be "canceled".

5.2 The details of the confirmed application form or the information / application submitted by the candidate to rectify the deficiencies in the given information will be accepted.

2.2 Candidates eligible for the post of Fixer will be appointed on a trial basis for a period of 5 (five) years. During the period of this fixed agreement, the Government

The current regulation on the subject has to be passed.

4.2 The candidate himself will be entitled to claim the relevant position only by being included in the Visional Merit List / Selection List / Recommendation List of this category. If the appointing authority is convinced that the candidate does not find suitable for public service as per the rules laid down in the Panchayat Service Classification and Recruitment (General) Rules-18 and the existing rules regarding recruitment, then Can be deleted. In the case of forest, the decision of the forest authority will be final.

4.2 The recruitment process will be in full compliance with the current recruitment rules and examination rules of this association as well as the provisions of the laws and regulations of the Government in this regard.

2.2 The Board shall have the sole right / authority to do so if there is a need to cancel or alter this disclosure for any reason and the Board shall not be obliged to give reasons for this. In such circumstances, the application will be considered canceled and the examination fee will not be recoverable.

3.2 The final 5 selected candidates will be eligible to receive the term appointment as per the conditions decided by the authority.

5.2 Applications will be rejected as per the following. (This list is for example only. Which is not a dream)

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(1) If the application has not been submitted online,

(Ii) if the details given in the application are incomplete or inconsistent,

(3) If the application does not have the caption size photo uploaded by the candidate,

(2) Application sent by fax, e-mail or post,

(2) If the candidate of general category has not paid the required fee,

(5) Candidates with unsatisfactory status / unsatisfactory social status / social educational backwardness / financially disadvantaged / physically handicapped (disability) as well as ex-servicemen do not have the required credentials regarding their category,

(3) Candidates from socially educationally backward classes are not included in the advanced category for the period specified in the public.

4.2 For candidates of reserved category, if the reserved seats are not shown in public, such candidates will be deemed to have applied for the post of general category and will be subject to the norms of general category. But they will not have to pay the examination fee.

5.10 Candidate must keep more than one copy of passport size photo of the photo which he uploads in the application form. The same photo will have to be affixed in the attendance at the time of examination and the same photo will have to be submitted when the board asks.

6.11 Candidate is required to keep the mobile number as per the number while filling the application form. In future, the Board will send the examination related instructions regarding this examination to the candidate by sending SMS to the mobile number of this specified number. Therefore, do not change the mobile number specified in the application.

In such cases, the entire responsibility will fall on the candidate himself.

6.15 Special notice is not given to the candidates who regularly visit the Mandal's website

પગ Action against candidates who have been found guilty of misconduct: -

2.1 Mandal to any candidate-

1. In order to gain any support for his candidature i.e. to try to impose direct or indirect affiliation on the Chairman, Member or any official of the Board,

2. To assume another name,

3. In order for others to assume their own name,

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4. False documents or documents which have been tampered with

Whatsapp"ગ્રુપ મા જોડાવવા

૫ Examination Fee: -

12.1 All the candidates who have selected (General) category while filling the form will have to pay the examination fee.

Candidates in the following categories will not have to pay any kind of examination fee. (1) Scheduled Caste (SC)

(2) Unscheduled People (ST)

(3) Socially and educationally backward (SEBC)

(3) Economically Weak Candidate (EWS)

(5) Ex-serviceman all categories

(2) Candidates with Disabilities (PD) All Categories

12.5 General category candidate has to pay the examination fee, for this the candidate can pay the examination fee by any one of the following methods: -

(1) Through Post Office

(Ii) Through online SBI e-pay

12.5 Method of payment through post office: -

General category candidates will not be able to get a win on one page of 3 copies of the currency available online to pay the fee when they submit their application on the OJAS website. Candidates will have to get the vint of this page. Candidates will have to go to any computerized post office with the above challan and pay Rs.100 / - cash + Rs.12 / - postal charges for the examination fee. One copy of the challan will be kept by the post office and two copies will be returned to the candidate along with the coin / sticker. Candidate for copy of examination fee Bhayam challan

To be maintained and to be submitted to the competent authority in time of need. 13. ફી Method of payment of fees through online SBI e-pay: -

To pay the online fee, the candidate has to go to the website and click on “Online Payment of Fees”. Will remain. Fee

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After the deposit, the fee has been credited, it will be written on the screen and you will get an E-Receipt, the print of which will be deleted. If there is any defect in the feedback, it will be seen that no fee has been paid on the screen. 12.5 The last date for payment of examination fee shall be as stated in paragraph 1 of this disclosure. 12.5 After examination fee fear, refund is not available under any circumstances and application without fee fear of eligible candidates will not be accepted.

12.5 By paying the examination fee online, the candidate will be informed about the fee by SMS on the mobile number given by him. If the candidate does not receive the SMS, the immediate candidate will have to rely on the medium through which the fee has been paid.

12.5 General category candidates will have paid the examination fee within the stipulated time limit, only then the online collector (holofitkit) / examination admission form will be issued at that time, of which special note should be taken. 16.10 If any candidate out of the general category cannot submit the examination fee online or through post office within the stipulated time limit for any reason, then such candidates can avail the service from 5-01-203 to 5-01-208. PROCESS FEE Rs.200 / - (Rs. Take note of which. It is clarified that only those candidates who have confirmed their online application but have not been able to pay the examination fee, will be able to get permission to download the PROCESS FEE Rs.500 / - (Rs. Candidates who have not done so will be able to take advantage of this option. Also, the examination fee of any candidate will be accepted after the expiry of the process fee acceptance period. No.

20. Written Competitive Examination Procedure and ૫ Selection Comments: -

20.1 Candidates are required to temporarily enter the prescribed competitive written examination for this post without any verification of the details filled by the candidate in the online application form. (Admission Letter) Issuer will be informed about the date, time and examination center. For this purpose, the candidates who have been temporarily admitted by the Board are required to download the Competitive Writing Exam Collective (Holofitkit) online from the designated website of OJAS by sending "SMS" to their mobile number indicated in the online application and publishing it in leading newspapers and advertisements in leading newspapers. Will come. Responsibility of SMS service recipient in case of disruption of mobile service network due to any technical problem of mobile service provider or any other reason.

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The congregation will be in Nefah. So that the applicant candidates can visit the OJAS website in time to download the collator (holofitkit) as well as the advertisement of the board and the web site of the board to download the collator (holofitkit) in newspapers. Are given.

30.5 In any case, a candidate who has a collator (holofitkit) will get admission in the examination hall, which every candidate should take note of. So it is mandatory for the candidates to keep a copy of Vint of Collator (Holfitkit) downloaded online while going for the examination. See the Mandal's website for further information.

30.3 In this competitive written examination, last night the Government's Digest, Rural Housing Development and Rural Development Department dated 7-9-2071, Public Name Sl. Digestive Service (Vagam-2) Recruitment (Examination) Rules, 2021 Provisions Only 1 (one) Written Script (Hate Lu Kshi)

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Lab Technician : 

 Rejected Application List 

Notice to candidates regarding rejected applications due to duplication 

Live Stock Inspector : 

Rejected Application List 

Notice to candidates regarding rejected applications due duplication 

Extension Officer (Co-Operation) : 

Rejected Application List 

Notice to candidates regarding rejected applications due to duplication 

Social Welfare Inspector (Junior Grade) :

 Rejected Application List 

Notice to candidates regarding rejected applications due to duplication 

Statistical Assistant :

Rejected Application List 

Notice to candidates regarding rejected applications due to duplication 

Deputy Accountant : 

Rejected Application List 

Notice to candidates regarding rejected applications due to duplication 

Extension Officer (Agriculture)

Rejected Application List 

Notice to candidates regarding rejected applications due to duplication 

Divisional Accountant : 

Rejected Application List 

Notice to candidates regarding rejected applications due to duplication 

Staff Nurse : 

Rejected Application List 

Notice to candidates regarding rejected applications due to duplication

Important:-For better result always use google cromeNote:-Please Always Check and Conform Above Details with The Official Website and Advertisement / Notification.

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