GPSSB FHW Bharti 2022| Gujarat Female Health Worker Recruitment 2022
The Gujarat Panchayat Seva Selection Board, GPSSB has released anemployment notification inviting candidates to apply for the posltions ofFemale Health Worker Posts. This is a great chance for interestedcandidates who are looking for GPSSB FHW Bharti 2022. for moredetails check below
It is a g0od opportunity for all the interested candidates who arelooking jobs in Gujarat Panchayat Seva Selection Board, GPSSB. Beforeapplying for the post, candidates should ensure that he/ she fulfills theeligibility criteria and other conditions mentioned in thisadvertisement. The last day for registration is-, Candidates are advisedto carefully read the full advertisement for details of educatlonalqualification and other eligiblity criterla before submisslon ofapplication. more detalled information regarding educationalqualification, age limit, selection procedure, how to apply ,last date forGPSSB FHw Bharti 2022 are mentioned below.
GPSSB FHW Bharti 2022
Name of Organization: GPSSB
Total No.of Posts: 3137
Name of the Posts: (FHW)
Female Health Worker
Category: New Jobs
Job Location: Gujarat
Mode Of Application:Online
official Website:
Educational Qualification:
To be eligible for appointment by direct selectlon to the post of Female
Health Worker (Class ll) (Panchayat Service),
A candidate Shall-have passed the Secondary School CertificateExamination;have passed-the Female Health Worker's Basic Training Courserecognised by the Government, orthe Auxliary Nurse Midwife Course, recognised by the Government andhave been registered by the Nursing Council;possess the baslc knowledge of computer applicatlon equivalent to
Course on Computer Concepts (CCC) of Department of Electronic
Accreditation of Computer Courses (DOEACC) Society or of the level asmay be prescribed by the government, from time to time"
FHW Age Limit 2022
Not be less than 18 years and not more than 41 years of age.
For Age Relaxation Please Read Official Advertisement.
FHW Application Fees
For General Candidates: Rs.100/
FHW Pay Scale
What Is The Selection Process For GPSSB FHW Recruitment 2022
Written Exam
Note: full details of Educational qualification, Age limit, Pay scale, Gradepay selection process etc details candidates required to visit oficialnotification which link given below at this vacancy notice.
How to Apply GPSSB FHW Recruitment 2022?
Interested & eligible candidates may apply Online through Officialwebsite.
What is The Last Date For GPSSB FHW Recruitment 2022
Starting Date for Submission Of Online Application: 26-04-2022
Last Date for Submission Of Online Application: 10-05-2022

Download Question Paper: Click Here (26/6/2022)
પેપર સોલ્યુશન
By Gujarat Panchayat Service Selection Board, Gandhinagar (hereinafter referred to as "Mandal")
By direct recruitment on Panchayat Service / # (/ Hulk Worker (Class-3) Cadre Vacancy (Women Only)
Online application forms are invited to select the candidates. Only women for these spaces
(Only Dalit candidates will be able to apply.
On the website from 2-06-208 (12-00 noon) to 10-05-207 (time 3-5 pm
Apply online within hours). As well as of the general category
Candidates are required to pay an examination fee of Rs.100 / - * Service Charge Dadha Hay 1993 through online fee.
The last date will be 12-09-207 (until 9-5 hours of the night). As well as face to face with currency at the post office
The last date for payment of examination fee will be 15-04-208 (but for that post office currency print
It is necessary to delete it by 10-04-203.) More details for paying examination fee in paragraph-12
Which must be read. Candidates recent [1010820 (15 1૪) and 5121210૯ (15 19)
In a way that does not exceed the size [02 1041 to be ready in 5008 computer, which is online
Must be uploaded in the application. All of their own as shown in the online application by the applicant
Educational, age and gender as well as other qualification certificates should be kept with them and in this regard
After informing the candidates, they have to submit it in person for verification.
To seek.
1.1 Detailed instructions for applying are given in the following paragraphs in this advertisement. That
Before filling up the online application along with the instructions, the candidate should carefully consider the entire advertisement
Must read.
1.2 Candidates are not required to attach (upload) any certificates while applying online.
But in the online application as per the details in the certificates when applying online
The applicant has to fill in all the details. Hence all his credentials such as, academic
Qualification, Age, School Leaving Certificate, Gender, Physical Disability (if any), Ex
Soldier (if applicable), recognized sports (if applicable), widow (if applicable)
In the online application along with the original certificates of qualification
All the details have to be filled on the basis of certificates, otherwise by the Board / Appointing Authority
If the details in the application are found to be incorrect or inconsistent at the time of verification of the credentials of the candidate
Application and subscription / selection / appointment will be canceled. After applying online
"Application number" will be generated, then talk on 0000 and apply on 0100.
(Confirm) is mandatory. The application will be accepted online only after 001, each of which
Candidate should take special note. Any kind of verification of the details filled online in the application form
Candidates are required by the Board to appear for the competitive written examination for this post
Provisional admission will be given and competitive examination will be given
Included in the Provisional Merit List after the Provisional Result has been declared after the examination
Candidates' certificates will be subject to verification.
1.2 Written competitive examination system and selection process in the next paragraph in this advertisement
Writing of Optical Marks Reading (OMR) system with objective questions as shown
There will be a competitive exam. OMR with these objective questions. Written competitive examination of the system
Planning will be done by the board. The examination program will be published separately.
For this, candidates are advised to keep an eye on the website of Gujarat Panchayat Seva Selection Board
Are given.
1.2 Written competitive examination reference as well as all subsequent instructions are registered by the candidate
SMS to mobile number Will be given from. Hence, in the relevant column in the application form
Candidate must show mobile number. And until the entire recruitment process is completed,
Maintaining a mobile number is a must. Mobile number changed or turned off
If the candidate is not notified by SMS due to departure or any other reason
It will be the responsibility of the candidate, and in such a case the candidate wanted to get the appointment himself
Will not be considered.
1.2 After the competitive examination, the procedure regarding the provisional result will be done by the board which
Candidates who will be included in the Provisional Merit List as per their e-mail
Certificate verification instructions and other instructions will be given. In the application for this
Advising the candidates to maintain the displayed e-mail ID and check it periodically
is coming.
Important:-For better result always use google cromeNote:-Please Always Check and Conform Above Details with The Official Website and Advertisement / Notification.
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