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Ekam Samayik Kasoti Ayojan 2022 Time Table STD 3 to 8

Ekam Samayik Kasoti Ayojan 2022 Time Table STD 3 to 8. In accordance with the above subject and reference to state that for the purpose of continuous evaluation periodical evaluation tests are to be conducted from time to time in Government Granted and Independent Primary Schools of the State.

The entire planning regarding the examination to be held in class 3 to 8 in the first session of the academic year 2022-23 is included herewith. It is hereby requested to take immediate action from your level to inform the concerned regarding this.

The periodical tests are to be conducted on Saturdays as per the schedule. To be made available online to the school on the day of the test as per the periodic schedule by the State Project Office, Total Education, Gandhinagar after recess. Periodic test which will be available to the school on the same day will have to administer the test by writing the graded question papers on the board or displaying them on the screen where smart class is available in the school.

The school will not insist on giving individual question paper to each student.

The arrangement given here is for Gujarati medium schools. First language test will be conducted instead of Gujarati in other medium. Gujarati (second language) test will be conducted instead of Hindi in Hindi medium.

The test will be conducted in Gujarati (second language) instead of English in English medium. For the rest of the subjects in other mediums, the same schedule will remain the same.

For the tests of first language, science, mathematics and social science subjects, the same test papers to be given from the state level will have to be used.

Independent and Granted Primary Schools may conduct other subject tests on a voluntary basis. The instructions regarding data entry of the above tests will be given by the State Project Office, Total Education, Gandhinagar. Privacy has to be taken care of throughout the process.

Understudies take intermittent evaluations a few times all through the school year to give educators more data about what understudies have realized. Educators utilize these appraisals — alongside other everyday schedule what they find in class — to realize where understudies need more assistance. We don’t utilize intermittent appraisal results to grade kids or schools.

Intermittent evaluations give schools exceptional data about what every understudy knows and can do so instructors can target educating to the advancing necessities of each and every kid.

Occasional appraisals measure understudy figuring out how to assist schools with saving understudies on target for progress in secondary school and then some.

Families can call their kid’s educator or the school’s Parent Coordinator to get familiar with their kid’s intermittent appraisal scores.

Innovation is one of the key terms of our current era. We all know the imperative: to innovate, change, disrupt, transform, make new – all in the service of new business opportunities, technologies, efficiency, and progress. In this course we will critically nterrogate this concept, asking what innovation is or can be, and examining how innovation is practiced and who is recognizable as an innovator.

According to the above subject and reference letter, due to the current Corona epidemic, children may not be called to school for some time.  In order to ensure that the education of the children is not affected even during this time, instructions have been given as per the reference letter of the Department of Education and it has been organized by the Department of Education.

 (1) Distribution of text books The work of providing text books to the students by the teachers is in progress. Ensuring that students get books on time. 

(2) To ensure that the activity / worksheet prepared by GCERT for Std. 1 to 8 is printed by the district and distributed to the students on time through teachers. 

 (3) Broadcasting of educational programs by Doordarshan DD Girnar.  All students of Std. 9 to 12 are requested to inform about this broadcast.  (The schedule of this program is included with this) & A)

(4) Broadcasting on Vande Gujarat Channel by Byseg You are well aware that the programs of Std-5 to 8 through GCERT through Vyseg "Vande Gujarat" Channel-5 for Std-5, Channel 6 for Std-6,Channel 7 for Std-7 , Channel-8 for std 8 is broadcast for.  (Schedule of the program is included with this)

    for Std-9 to 12 by Gujarat Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education through Baysag on "Vande Gujarat" channel 9 for Std-9. Educational programs are broadcast from Channel No. 10 for Std-10, Channel-11 for Std-11 and Channel-12 for Std-12.  (Program schedule is attached herewith) Request to provide this information to all students.  

As you know, to watch Bayseg "Vande Gujarat" channels, you have to install a dish antenna with a DTH box at an estimated cost of Rs. 1500 / -, so please guide the parents of the children in this regard.

એકમ કસોટી કેવી રીતે ચકાસવી તેનો નમુનો


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અધ્યયન નિષ્પત્તિ ઉપચારાત્મક વર્ગ શિક્ષણ અંગેનું આયોજન પત્રક : સને : ૨૦૨૨-૨૩ અહીંથી ડાઉનલોડ કરો.


Ekam Samayik Kasoti Ayojan 2022 Time Table STD 3 to 8 sem 2

9 થી 12 નું સમય પત્રક નીચે આપેલ છે.

Ekam Samayik Kasoti Ayojan 2022 Time Table STD 3 to 8 sem 1

પ્રથમ સત્રાંત કસોટી પરીક્ષા સમય પત્રક 2022 ધો. 3 થી 8 અહી ક્લિક કરો

Sem 1 Ekam Samayik KasotiParipatr 14/07/2022 Click Here


(5) Virtual Classroom For students of Std. 5 to 8, 12 innovative techno-service teachers have been selected per cluster at the initial stage through CCC.  

Through Microsoft Teams who will do one class of educational work in each standard under the Virtual Classroom Concept through video conferencing with a group of 30-40 students of that standard. 

 Students will be selected by the respective teachers.  So please provide necessary guidance to the concerned parents / students.  (Virtual classroom schedule is included with this)

(6) NCERT Calendar (Contact via telephone) The calendar provided by NCERT.  According to it, each teacher will contact the parents of 15 of the students in their classroom by phone every day and acquaint them with all the home learning programs.  Will guide students to start home learning. 


 The next day he will call 12 new students and the next day he will guide 6 of the students who have called him for the trouble they are having.  Teachers and parents are requested to report these details. 

(7) DIKSHA / You - tube link Programs aired on DD Girnar by Doordarshan and Vande Gujarat Channel by Byseg will be uploaded on DIKSHA / You - tube link every evening.  Details for this link will be sent to parents by teachers through BRC / CRC Coordinator.


Ekam Samayik Kasoti Ayojan 2022 Time Table STD 9 to 12 sem 2

Ekam Samayik Kasoti Ayojan 2022 Time Table STD 9 to 12 sem 1

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