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The import of Akkkti is done from Algeria. It is found in the original market. It is two to three inches and a typical tyranny. This original is like white inside brown and breaking. The roots are shining on the tongue. It is warm and technical and boils, cuff, paralysis, mouth paralysis, planting and swelling. Furthermore is a Friendly and Retreat. It is strengthened by the incumbent. It is useful in the tongue to tongue tongue etc. (1) A spoon has felt sexual stimuli felt by the bodies of the mixture of Jacquet, as a small peas in honey. (2) If they do not speak exactly to children, improve the speech, then improve the speech, and the harness of honey, improve the speech. There is very few fat in nut walnuts. Its regularly increased by five to ten years in life. It protects the heart and reduces cholesterol. In addition to nut, cashew nuts, almonds, pistons are also full of protein and vitamins. In the salad, the nut can be eaten on a salad. Important Hurti Velatal Excellent Type of this piece is benefited from diseases such as tuberculosis, dum, cough, cold, lg such as tuberculosis, diamonds, coughing, colds, LG. Being excellent alchemy of this drug, skin wrinkles, premature hair is ought to be white, hairstyles etc. in disorders. It is a bourge, virtue and body description. It is achieved in sowing with milk or ghee. Almost every pharmacy is found. The root cause of most diseases of fire is the origin of diseases. The best medicine is the fire firewalls that are found in the market. One tablet of morn-in-evenings seek with Naveca Milk. Shut down a week after fifteen days. Do not consistently be consumed in a continuous and bile diseases. The gastragin is immune to it, it is digested, arthritis, part of the stomach (s), plant, paralyza, citual, apart, aboir, gas, abdominal cattle etc. Aggregate Hing Hing 10 grams, 20 grams of Pepper, 30 grams of Paper, Ajma, 0 grams, Haradi, 90 grams, Michable 70 grams and Kuk 80 grams to take 80 grams, the pregnant choppers The minimum spoon of half the spoon is slightly nichaka with water with water, aigadic, throop, sunrise, plan, eighty, gas, coughing and dum. This pregnation is very useful in digestive turmoil. The gastragin is fond of. According to the disease, this honey can be taken with honey, yogurt or stars. Ajnam Ajnam dietary powers, hot, airy, force of lung showers, excellent exciting, force-giver, in any part of the body, litter, sore-shoots, lifter, cuff, gas Ayache pose half a teaspoon and with half a pug or lecture water on the morning and at night. Agradi Mchari Ajma, Quwarding, Sinvement, Cithi, Piperty, Cedar, Leadpipper, Volusory and Black Pepper Each 10-10 grams, Harado and Competers Gathered 100 Grams Groom Half one teaspoon of this pharma with slightly hot water swelling, formless, arthritis, cilatica-ramer, buttocks, waist, feiling, chubborns, backs, cachin, feet, tragic Very benefit also benefits. This is the good medicine of all such gases.


 Adad is extremely nutritious.  It contains excellent protein, which strengthens the muscles of the body.  Heavy in digestion, cleansing of excrement, greasy, sweet after digestion, appetizing, antiseptic, invigorating, ejaculatory, vajikar means enhancing sexual power, increasing breastfeeding, strengthening the body, and hemorrhoids, urticaria, mouth  And is the destroyer of air.  Using Adad increases sex.  That's why we eat half a crop there in winter.  Adad is a tonic and an antidote.  In Ayurveda, Adad is called Shukral.  Adad leads to the growth of sperm-semen.  Adad increases masculinity rapidly.  The main component of semen is protein.  All beans have protein, but lentils have excellent protein.  That is why the intake of Adad leads to good sperm growth.  It also enhances libido as it is an antidote and balm.  Those who do not have children due to sperm deficiency in semen should use Adad and Adadia crops.  For those who have sex problems, lack of arousal, Adad is the best medicine.  For those who have such a problem, they should eat garlic lentils, lentils made in sesame oil and lentils regularly for a long time.


 Toxic bud

 Somewhat hot, sharp, fiery, receptive to the venomous bud

 Stool-binding, trigeminal neuralgia, diarrhea, phlegm fever, cough, poison, vomiting, mucus, worms, hemorrhoids, salivary glands, diarrhea and all diseases are considered.  Ativis is the best as an antiseptic, digestive and antiseptic.  In the disease in which the stomach needs to be inflamed, the food needs to be digested and the stool needs to be blocked and the irritated air, gall bladder needs to be calmed.  In addition to this, it also has the property of scratching the sticky feces.  There are three types of antiseptic buds: white, black and yellow.  But only white is used in medicine.  Use only what is white after breaking the bud.  Toxins are an excellent remedy for diarrhea.  Any type of diarrhea requires digestion, digestion and storage medicine.  Diarrhea has these three qualities and is also an antidote.  Therefore, in case of diarrhea, put 5 gm powder of both ginger and antiviral in 1 kg of water and boil it over low heat.  When half the water is burnt, strain it, cool it, add lemon or pomegranate juice and drink it.  This helps in digestion, inflammation of the stomach and cures diarrhea.  This treatment can be done in any type of thin diarrhea.  Toxins are diuretics, digestion and accumulators.  So it is an excellent remedy for diarrhea.  As it is an antiseptic, in gout and diarrhea, boil half a teaspoon of ginger and half a teaspoon in two glasses of water till it is half burnt.  .  Diarrhea other than hemorrhoids and gallstones benefit from this treatment.  Hypersensitivity is not at all toxic as the name implies.


 Ripe pineapple is diuretic, anthelmintic and biliary.  It's hot

 Cures disorders, stomach ailments, splenomegaly, jaundice, vitiligo etc.  Pineapple is harmful to pregnant women and hungry people.  Adding double sugar in ripe pineapple juice, adding necessary water and making syrup gives strength to the heart and calms heat and inflammation.

 Abhayadi decoction

 Abhaya means herd.  Along with this, Nagarmoth, Dhana, Ratanjali, Padmakastha, Arduso, Indrajav, Valo, Galo, Garmalano Gol, Kalipat, Ginger and Kadu should be crushed together with equal weight.  Put two teaspoons of powder in two glasses of water and boil it till one cup is left. Get a little pepper powder and drink it fresh in the morning and evening.  It is an excellent medicine for appetite, digestion and cleansing of excrement.


 Amrutprabha powder

 Amla, Akkalkaro, Sindhav, Chitrak, Pepper, Ajmo, Lidipiper and Harde each make a powder of ten grams each and twenty grams of Ginger all to get so much Bijora juice in it.  Then grind it until the powder is dry.  It is also called Akkalkaradi.  Taking half to one teaspoon of this powder every morning and evening is very beneficial in anorexia, anorexia, cough, sore throat, asthma, colds, flu, typhoid, etc.

 Amrutaras A mixture of 500 gms of nectar, 40 gms of jaggery and 100 gms of amritaras is called amritaras.  Giving one teaspoon of this medicine to adults and half a teaspoon to children in the morning and evening as well as diet and moderate diet stops hair loss, old age, fever, typhoid fever, gonorrhea, rheumatism and eye diseases.  Those who experiment with this chemical do not get any disease quickly.  A medicine that maintains health, prevents premature aging, prevents graying of hair and gives longevity is called chemical medicine.  As a chemical herbicide, it is also given in diseases of air, bile and phlegm, which becomes auxiliary medicine.


 Ardusi is very good at decay.  Of modern tuberculosis medicine

 Arduosi can also be used with.  Arduosi is very recommended for both dry and whooping cough.  If the cough does not come out, there is a noise in the lungs, there is a raw foamy cough, it is difficult to get rid of it by coughing, Ardusi works well.  (1) Two teaspoons of freshly squeezed juice of Ardusi and one teaspoon of honey licked in the morning and evening cures cough, cough is relieved quickly.  (2) If a small child gets vomiting, giving half a teaspoon of Ardusi juice with the same amount of honey in the morning and evening gives relief.  (3) Ardusi's avaleh is called vasavaleh.  It gives good results in cough, shortness of breath and sneezing.  (3) If the sweat is very foul, it is beneficial to drink two to three teaspoons of Ardusi leaf juice morning and evening and take a bath by rubbing the powder of Ardusi leaves.  (V) Drinking fresh juice of Ardusi leaves is beneficial in cough, leprosy, phlegm, flu, tuberculosis and jaundice.



 Arani trees are 10 to 12 feet high.  It has a very fragrant flower.  Arani is spicy, sweet, bitter, turi, hot and fiery.  Destroys flatulence, phlegm, cough, edema, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, obesity, constipation and vitiligo.  (1) Applying it in a bowl of Arani leaves cures the swelling.  (2) Applying a bowl of Arani root water on the mouth removes black spots on the mouth.  (This is called satire.) (3) Applying arani leaf lasoti cures testicular swelling.  (4) Morning and evening, the powder of the roots of Arani or boiled chickpeas in boiled water reduces the fat.  (V) Applying a bowl of Arani root in fresh goat's milk cures many new skin diseases.  (3) Rubbing the roots of Arani in milk on a thunderstorm or knot, the knot settles and dissolves.



 Aretha is an excellent medicine.  In Sanskrit it is called Arishta (the use of which does not cause any evil).  Aretha tastes spicy, bitter, short, greasy, pungent, spicy even after digestion, hot, excretory, abortive and destroys flatulence, leprosy, itching, poison and explosives.  (1) Drinking Aretha water removes toxins caused by vomiting.  (2) Washing the head with Aretha foam cleanses the hair and scalp.  This cures diseases like dandruff, psoriasis, eczema, shingles and diarrhea.  Soaking Aretha in water for fifteen minutes can cause foam.  Leave the foam on the head for five minutes.  (3) If the child has stomach cramps, bloating, worms in the stomach, applying Aretha foam on the stomach gives peace in a short time and if there is karmiya, it goes away.


 The bark of the Arjuna tree is white.  It is an excellent medicine for heart disease.  If the blood pressure remains high, do not use Arjun-Saadad, as it raises the blood pressure.  The calcium in the bark is so good that it stops the bleeding as soon as possible, and the broken bone heals quickly.  Arjuna and Ardusi are very useful in bleeding.  Mixing half to one teaspoon of Arjuna bark powder, three teaspoons of Ardusi juice and one teaspoon of ghee, honey and sugar mixed with milk, the cavity of urticaria-TB gradually disappears.  Coughing stops the flow of blood in the cough.  Apart from this, taking one teaspoon of Arjuna, ghee, sugar, four teaspoons of wheat flour and enough milk to make shiro also gives the above benefits.  One teaspoon of Arjuna powder taken with jaggery water or milk without cream is beneficial in heart disease and prolongs life.  In addition, tuberculosis, chronic fever, leprosy, hemorrhoids, bleeding, urinary incontinence, etc. are eliminated.  Arjuna is invigorating and life-giving as it has chemical properties.  Brings urine clean.  If there is swelling due to this, it is relieved by taking it morning and evening.  If it is not good to take chana, it can be taken by making a decoction, Arjunarishta or Arjunasav found in the market  In Gujarat, what is called Sajad or Saadad is called 'Arjuna' in Sanskrit.  The outer bark is very smooth and white.  The inner bark is reddish, thick and soft.  Arjuna is a cure for cold, heart disease, decay, poison, anemia, fat, gonorrhea and ulcers.  Giving milk of Arjuna bark in heart diseases has excellent benefits.  The action of Arjuna's bark is like that of kashayamal and lime, which constricts the blood vessels and increases blood circulation so the nutrition of the heart is better.



 Asopalav is not Ashoka.  Ashoka's trees grow as big as mangoes.  Its leaves are similar to mangoes.  Its fruit is like a purple fruit in summer, which is extremely inedible and bitter.  Ashoka is cool, bitter, receptive, colorful, dark.  It cures soreness, indigestion (tumor on the throat), inflammation, worms, inflammation, poisoning and blood disorders.  Ashoka's bark cures hemorrhage.  Ashokarisht, a liquid made from its bark, is used in many gynecological diseases.  Ashoka bark is a very useful medicine in gynecology.  (1) Add the same amount of water to a glass of cow's or goat's milk, add one teaspoon of Ashoka tree bark powder, boil and cool till the water burns.  Drinking morning-evening and avoiding hot bile in the diet, complete rest eliminates hemorrhage.  The Ashokarisht available in the market is also excellent.  (3) Adding a little water to two teaspoons of Ashokarisht after morning and evening meal removes excessive menstrual bleeding and uterine relaxation.


 Add the same amount of water to a glass of goat's milk, a teaspoon

 Adding Ashwagandha powder and sugar and boiling it till the water is burnt, drinking it with the main herbs of morning and evening tuberculosis is of immediate benefit.  Even those whose body is very thin and not gaining weight can do this treatment.

 Ashtamangal Ghrit

 It is also available in the market.  Vaj, Kath, Brahi, White Mustard, Anantamul, Sindhav and Lidipiper. Take these eight herbs in equal weight and make it like a bowl of sauce in water.  A little bit of teasing these children increases intelligence, sharpens memory and speeds up physical and mental development.  Give half a teaspoon of ghee morning and evening to children older than three years.



 Ankol shrubs grow a lot towards Panchmahal.  Its fruit in eight months

 Ripens, which the villagers eat.  The color of the fruit is a bluish dark purple.  Uprooting the upper plant, a dark white lychee-like embryo emerges from the inside, which the children eat with gusto.  The fruit of Ankol is a cough suppressant, heavy in digestion, constipating and slows down the stomach.  It is excellent in cough diseases.  Strengthens and strengthens the body.  It is useful in diseases of air and bile.  Calms inflammation-body internal inflammation.


 It destroys many diseases, hence it is called Apamarga in Sanskrit

 Is.  The blind is pungent bitter and hot.  It is useful in diseases of air and cough.  Blindness occurs everywhere in the monsoon.  Twelve masses take place in irrigated farms.  The leaves are elliptical and pointed at the ends.  The cat comes on a long rope.  Its flower mouth is small at the bottom and the seeds are small at the apex.  The roots, seeds, almanac and leaves of the blind are used in medicine.  (1) Hemorrhoids can be cured by taking half a teaspoon of blind seed powder with rice erosion.  (2) Slightly sniffing the powder of its seeds causes a lot of sneezing and headaches.  (3) Eating two teaspoons of blind seed raab cures heartburn.


 Green figs are rich in nutrients like iron, copper, calcium, vitamins etc.  If accessible, green, ripe, fresh figs should be eaten.  Both dried and green figs are laxative-diuretic, diuretic, nourishing and diuretic.  Beneficial to vitiligo and lean people, pregnant women, children, old people.  Drink a glass of milk over the ditch with two to three figs every morning and evening.



 Ginger breaks down stools, is heavy, pungent, hot, irritates the stomach, is spicy, sweet after digestion, cures asthma, flatulence and phlegm, is good for the heart and is good for rheumatism.  The juice and the crop are cool.  (1) Taken with kanji and sindhav or salt, it destroys digestion, indigestion, constipation and rheumatism.  (2) Two teaspoons of ginger juice, two teaspoons of lemon juice and 1/2 teaspoon of Sindhav taken before meals inflames the stomach, purifies the mouth and heart, sore throat (cough), cough, shortness of breath, indigestion, anorexia, constipation,  Heals swelling, cough, flatulence and anorexia.  (3) Salt and spices are always a diet before meals.  It irritates the stomach, stimulates taste and clears the tongue and throat.  (2) However, leprosy, vitiligo, urinary incontinence, leprosy, ulcers, fevers and inflammation and in summer and autumn are not very beneficial.  (4) Put five-six pieces of ginger like chickpeas in a glass of water.  Steamed.  When half a cup of water is left, take it out, strain it, add the same amount of milk and a teaspoon of sugar and drink it slowly like normal tea in the morning and evening, it cures cough, cold, cough, headache as well as back and chest pain.  As ginger is sharp and hot, this treatment removes the obstructions in the micro-organisms of the body.  Food is properly digested and the body becomes healthy and beautiful with the growth of juices and blood metals.  In biliary diseases and those with biliary nature should not do this treatment.  (3) In skin diseases, when something is bitten, if there is anemia, if there is heat, if there is urinary tract disease or if there is acidity, then there is harm in using ginger.  Do not take ginger in it.

 Ginger lick

 Make 500 gms ginger paste and heat it slowly in 500 gms ghee

 Bake while stirring.  When it turns red, mix 5 grams of jaggery syrup in it and shake it and fill it in a bottle.  This lick makes you feel hungry, arouses interest in food, gains weight and clears phlegm.  Uterine defects and irregular menstruation are also very beneficial.  The mother should take this lick for one-and-a-half months so that there is no waste in the uterus.


 If the food is digested and left out without digestion, then 10 grams of tamarind leaves are washed and made into lasoti paste in half a cup of washed rice, drunk in the morning and evening and followed by proper diet, it disappears in eight to ten days.  If you do not feel anorexia and hunger, soak 10-12 grams tamarind in a glass of water at night, in the morning dissolve jaggery like masali, gali, arecanut and drink it to get rid of anorexia and good appetite.

 T (mole amla is diuretic, cold and chemical.)  Mix asparagus powder and drink it every night after meal. Drink milk on top. Avoid spicy, hot, spicy things, hot spices, pickles, papad. (2) Amla is a chemical, and it can cure any disease.  And dry rot is effective in chronic diseases.



 Aval occurs everywhere in India.  This plant with its yellow golden flowers

 Recognized immediately.  Aval is bitter, cold and beneficial to the eyes.  (1) A teaspoonful of aval flower petals and the same amount of sugar licked in a bowl of cow's milk stops vomiting and nausea in pregnant women.  (3) The nectar of Aval flowers is good for urinary, skin and stomach diseases and improves body color.  (2) Swelling and pain of the sprain disappears by tying a leaf on the sprain of the leg.  (2) Decoction of aval flowers or half a teaspoon of aval panchang powder before meals and following the necessary diet is beneficial in diabetes.  (V) All kinds of gonorrhea can be cured by taking half a teaspoon of the powder made by drying the flowers of Aval with hot water.


 Asotari trees are similar to Kanchanar trees.  It is 8 to 10 feet

 There are jewels.  Its leaves are kidney-shaped, thick and large, like the leaves of a glass.  Which is used to make BD.  Asotari has pinched and long pods.  Its bark seems to work in making ropes.  (a) Taking 1-1 teaspoon of Asotari horn powder cures diarrhea and diarrhea.  (2) In case of urinary tract disease, heat of urine and taking juice of Asotari leaf with sugar in Permia.  (2) If there is swelling on the body, apply Asotari leaves in a bowl of water like a sauce.  This lap also works on angina.  (2) If the mouth is swollen, the throat is sore, the voice is not right or in other diseases of the throat, rinse the boiled leaves of Asotari in the mouth.

NOTE: There are risks in taking home remedies without the advice of an experienced doctor.  Use every indigenous medicine according to the advice of your family doctor.  Our only hope is to put the information better.  This website and admin have no liability.



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