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 Throat intake does not cause ribai ribai to die.  Its leaves are sweet.  So its leafy vegetables look very tasty, which is excellent in fever.  Sore throat, bitter, sweet after digestion, chemical, stool suppressant, turmeric, hot, indigestible, invigorating, gastrointestinal irritant, trigeminal neuralgia and thus, thirst, inflammation, gonorrhea, leprosy, cough, anemia-jaundice, leprosy  Cures rheumatism, worms, fever, vomiting, nausea, asthma, hemorrhoids, urinary incontinence and heart disease.  Take three teaspoons of throat juice and half to one teaspoon of throat powder in the morning, afternoon and at night.  If fresh green throat is found, use it, otherwise dry throat powder can be used.  The throat pill is available in the market under the name 'Sanshamni Vati'.  Sanshamni means one who minimizes the increased faults and if less, equalizes.  One tablet should be taken in the morning, afternoon and evening.  The neem, acacia or mango nectar is considered to be more beneficial, it is also the best on neem.  One teaspoon of throat powder and two to three teaspoons of juice can be taken in the evening.  (1) Drinking decoction of sore throat, coriander, neem bark and ratanjali (blood sandalwood) morning and evening inflames gastritis and cures all types of fever.  (Ii) By drinking the juice of the throat with sugar, the bile is immediately eliminated and the vomiting caused by bile is immediately calmed.  (3) Two teaspoons of juice in the throat

 Drinking a teaspoon of honey cures vomiting caused by all the three faults.  (3) Drinking half a cup of throat juice or decoction of throat morning and evening and staying only on mug soup and rice is very beneficial in leprosy.  (V) Jaundice is cured by adding honey or sugar in the juice of the throat.  (3) Boil the throat and triphala with honey and pepper powder and drink it morning and evening to cure all types of eye diseases.


 (1) By making 1-1 teaspoon of Kuwadia B fried powder with water three times a day and rubbing the powder in lemon juice on the ankles, the shingles disappears.  This powder can also be used as coffee.  It also cures scabies, itching, dandruff, itching, tingling, etc.  (2) If the seeds of Kunwadia are planted in sour straw on the stairs and stairs in the morning and evening, the stairs are destroyed in ten to twelve days.  Kunwadio must be used on any drawer, old or new.  (3) Applying the root of Kuvadia in a bowl of water, the angina disappears in a few days.  (2) Eating Kuvadia vegetable destroys phlegm diseases in a few days.



 Kuvarapatha is called Yellow Plant in English.  It does not need much water.  It does very well in sand.  The coast is more prosperous.  Occurs everywhere in India, but more so in Saurashtra and Kutch.  Once frozen in the ground or in a pot, thick thick juicy leaves are cut around.  The leaves are prickly, plump, long, and the inside is covered with a laurel.  This leaf is very juicy.  Removed her fetus.  Having it for a while makes you interested.  In the monsoon, a stem emerges from the center of the plant, on which the flower grows.  The flowers are orange on the outside, yellowish on the inside and have a pungent odor.  These flowers are as sweet as sugar.  Both flower stalks and leaves are pickled.  This pickle is an excellent remedy for liver diseases.  Eliyo is made from the juice of Kuvarapatha.  Elio is a stool remover and laxative, as well as menstrual purifier and regular.  It is an excellent remedy for liver and spleen.  Kuvarapathu is Tridoshahar.  Labu - Kuvarapathu fecal piercing, cooling, davu, eye-friendly, chemical, sweet, astringent, tonic, semen enhancer and gas, poison, slave, spleen, liver, vomiting, phlegm, fever, glandular, flammable ulcer, rash and skin rash.  Is the remover.  Take half a teaspoon of the paste between the leaves in the morning and evening.  The main medicine in Kumaysiv is aloe vera.  It cures liver diseases, spleen enlargement, menstrual disorders in women, premature menopause, etc.  It gives good results in vitiligo and anemia.  It is beneficial to remove the aloe vera leaves with a knife and give turmeric to the jaundice patient.  This fetus is interested in wearing a corset.  Drinking one to two teaspoons of this juice also eliminates jaundice.  It also benefits in arthritis, hemorrhoids, aphrodisiacs, pills and constipation.  (1) Applying the lava of Kuvarapatha on the burnt part calms down any kind of inflammation, it does not grow and if it is harvested, it heals.  (2) If the eye has come, by applying laba in the eye, the swelling, tingling, pain, inflammation, redness etc. of the eye disappears very quickly.  (3) Liver and spleen diseases are cured by eating 1-1 teaspoon of its ghee-like labu morning and evening.  Anemia decreases.  The power increases.  Fatigue and weakness are eliminated.  (2) If the menstrual period is not clear, if it comes less, if it comes with pain or if there is any other complaint of menstruation, then regular intake of Kuvarapatha eliminates it.  (V) Rubbing its juice on the aching tooth and chewing a piece of it gives relief.  (2) Applying its juice in the eye relieves eye problems.  (2) Diabetes is a panacea.  (2) In case of permanent gas, liver or spleen problems, loss of appetite, indigestion, colic, indigestion, etc., it is beneficial to make roti-bhakri by adding aloe vera juice in wheat flour.  (2) Constipation is relieved by eating one to one and a half inch long piece of Kuvarapatha morning and evening.  (10) Taking one teaspoon of Kuvarapatha juice thrice a day and applying it on the stomach gives relief in Jalandhar.  (11) Remove the thorns of its leaves, mix turmeric-salt in a bowl, heat it a little and apply it on the lump or swelling.  (12) In case of mouth sore, take aloe vera juice with sugar.  (12) In acidity, aloe vera juice is relieved by adding a little sugar.  (12) Put half a teaspoon of turmeric in the juice and drink it twice a day to relieve fever.  Rubbing its juice on the forehead and soles of the feet immediately lowers the fever.  (12) In thyroid, it is beneficial to eat a piece of aloe from one and a half to two inches.  Heat turmeric-salted aloe vera juice and apply it on the throat for relief.  (12) Consumption of Kuvararas lasts a long time.  (12) Rubbing kuvarapathu on exposed parts of the body does not affect the impurities of the environment.  The skin van brightens.  (12) To protect the hair of the head, peel it and rub the fetus inside the head, let the hair dry.  After a while, massaging and washing the scalp makes the hair shiny, black, and also promotes hair growth.



 Kerda shrubs grow.  It is considered a desert tree.  It is a thorny tree.  It has no leaves.  The flowers are red and the fruit is like a cherry blossom.  The fruit turns red when ripe.  Pickles and vegetables are made from green raw fruits.  Its fruit is also called Kerada.  It is bitter, spicy, turmeric, hot, stool-blocking, palatable, aphrodisiac, delicious but also bitter, phlegm, flatulence, cough, swelling, fecal-healing odor.  Good for heart, very useful in diarrhea, hemorrhoids.  (1) Hemorrhoids are cured by taking one teaspoon of dried cardamom powder in curd.  (2) Swelling and itching are relieved by eating alone.  (3) Gastric or peptic ulcer:  Kerda pickles are used.


 Putting a small spark on the tongue, the whole tongue turns red in half a minute and smells for three hours.  In the same way, if you put a small spark in the milk, the milk should turn orange or red immediately.  If that doesn't happen, it's time to dump her.  In Kashmir, half a teaspoon of saffron-sandalwood paste is eaten daily.  Even small children are fed daily so that they do not get cancer, so that they do not get fever or cold.


 Ripe bananas are sweet, cold, also sweet in crops, increase semen and flesh, confirm, arouse interest as well as cure hunger, thirst, eye diseases and gonorrhea.  The iron in it is attached to chemicals that are quickly converted into blood.  Even a small child can easily drink dried, sweetened, dried milk of ripe bananas in the shade.  It can be given fearlessly to a six-day-old baby.  Raw bananas are heavy to digest.  Eating raw bananas can cause stomach upset.  It hurts in the stomach.  Even ripe bananas are hard to digest and should be eaten sparingly.  Never eat too many bananas.  A little cardamom should be eaten after eating bananas.  Bananas that have black spots on their skin and which fall off by holding the lamina are considered ripe, and such bananas are easily digested.  Eating bananas regularly increases flesh and blood.  The body becomes strong.  Bananas are good for regular exercise.


 Kokum is superior to tamarind and amchoor.  Pucca kokum is heavy in digestion, dries up diarrhea, is spicy, sour, mild, sour, hot, appetizing, ignites fire and increases phlegm and flatulence.  It cures hemorrhoids, constipation and heart disease.  This stops fecal decay and keeps the intestines functioning.  Kokum like a sauce, mixed with water, mixed with sugar and made into a syrup, is used to get rid of bile inflammation, insomnia and thirst.  Drinking a small amount of this syrup alleviates bile.  Hemorrhoids are cured by taking it in curd cream in the morning and evening


 (1) Drinking a cup of cocoa increases blood flow to the brain by 33%.  (4) Cocoa is beneficial as a drink as it is an antioxidant.  There are also lower-fat than other chocolate drinks.  One cup of cocoa contains less than 1 gram of fat.


 Kotha is called 'Kapitth' in Sanskrit.  Kapi means monkey.  It costs a lot of money.  Hence its name Kapitya.  Kothu is sweet, sour, turu, slightly bitter, cold yet increases libido, prevents stool and destroys bile, flatulence and ulcers.  Raw bark is good for the throat.  Receptive, expectorant and antiseptic and aerating.  As it is sweet, sour and fragrant, it is delicious, detoxifying, detoxifying, receptive, heavy, clears the throat and cures phlegm, shortness of breath, cough, anorexia and thirst.  Citric acid in the womb and salt in the ashes, calcium and iron salts in the womb (1) Ginger, chilli, coriander, mint, jaggery etc. in the womb.  (3) Hiccups are stopped by doing very spicy sandhya leaves in the hands.  (3) A small lick of the triangular powder in the womb of the uterus stops the vomiting caused by the phlegm.  Such a patient should then take a mild rash of castor oil every four-five days, drink only boiled water with ginger and stop sore throat, cold and heavy foods.  (3) Take five grams of Kothi leaf sauce in curd and take it morning-afternoon-evening to get rid of new or old disease.


 Copper and coconut water are aphrodisiacs.  Eating the required amount of copra at all times increases libido, and keeps the person capable of sexual intercourse.  Consumption of the copra crop benefits some of the reproductive complaints of men.


 Coprale is a cooling, sweetening, biliary, expectorant, heart and hair enhancer, skin brightener and wound healer.



 There are many varieties of pumpkin.  The red pumpkin we use there.  It is also called sugar pumpkin, as it contains four percent grape sugar and one and a half to two percent sugar.  This red pumpkin is delicious, cool, Venus enhancer and nourisher.  In addition, phosphorus, sodium, calcium and protein are increasing and decreasing depending on the variety of pumpkin.  It is in the body of those who are cold.  Pumpkin is an excellent diet for those who have internal heat and fever.  There we find a dessert called paitha which is made from pumpkin.  Pumpkin is called Paitha in Hindi-Agra.  Ripe pumpkin is especially good for biliary disorders and especially for those with acidity.  Pumpkin is an appetite suppressant, invigorating, weight gainer, beneficial for the heart, enhances mental and sexual potency as well as enhances all metals.  Pumpkin can be used extensively in making vegetables, but can also be used to make crops, marmalades and sweets.  Pumpkin is very reminiscent, so for patients suffering from mental illnesses, it is worth eating vegetables or sweets every day, which is very beneficial.  Raw pumpkin is expectorant.  Cold-cough, diabetes, cough and obese person should not eat it.  The ripe pumpkin is a diet and a triad for everyone.

 Remove the pumpkin peel and remove the soft part and cook it in two kilos of water.  When ripe, squeeze the juice into a cloth.  Keep the interest separate.  Roast the cooked pumpkin in 150 g ghee of cow till it turns like honey in a copper pot, get the pumpkin juice in it separately, add 1.5 kg sugar and prepare avaleh.  Add pepper, ginger, cumin powder 20-20 grams and coriander, bay leaf, cardamom, pepper and cinnamon powder 10-10 grams and stir for 15-20 minutes. When it cools down, add 150 grams honey.  This is called pumpkin paste.  It is nutritious and invigorating.  Its consumption in winter is very beneficial for the elderly and children.  It cures vomiting, cough, shortness of breath, heart disease, leprosy, cholera, thirst, inflammation, leprosy, weakness, tuberculosis and intestinal enlargement.

 Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice.  When it becomes soft, put it in a cloth and drain the water.  Dip boiled leaves in double sugar syrup.  Saffron and cardamom can be added as desired.  It is called pumpkin marmalade.



 The shield vines are abundant on farm fences, with fine fur on the pods.  This fur is itchy when it comes in contact with the body.  The seeds inside this horn are those shoots.  Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice.  Sugarcane is used as a medicine for this disease.  Kocha powder is used as a lick and crop.  It is beneficial in increasing sexual potency, curing flatulence, calming bile, curing blood disorders, strengthening the nerves, regularizing menstruation, curing dysmenorrhea, leucorrhoea and hemoptysis.  Plenty of kincha increases libido.  It is sweet and bitter in taste, heavy in digestion, nourishes the body, strengthens, destroys air, bile and blood diseases.  There are many similarities between the qualities of Kincha and Adad.  (1) Take half a teaspoon of kaucha seed powder in a glass of milk and boil it till it burns over low heat.  Cooling it and adding two teaspoons of sugar to it increases sperm count and libido.  (2) Boil 10 grams powder of kaunchha seeds in 200 grams milk and boil it till the part of water evaporates, add a little sugar and drink it, it increases libido in a few days.  Do this exercise twice a day to strengthen the body.  Those who have nightmares or premature ejaculation should take this milky morning and evening, sweet, oily and nutritious foods.  Eat rice, milk, curd, ghee, butter, sugar, honey, urad, beans, salads and fruits.


 Dates cure diseases like tuberculosis, flatulence, vomiting etc.  Dates are cold, tonic,

 Useful for weight gain, spermicidal, internal body heat loss and flatulence.  Dates are not hot but cold.  It is very nutritious, spermicidal, tonic, sweet, heart-friendly, appetizing, heavy in digestion, confirming diarrhea prevention and strength enhancer.  Dates are also laxatives.  Soaking five to seven tissues of dates every night, rubbing it well in the morning and drinking it clears the bushes.  During the winter, drinking a glass of hot milk over a ten-tissue ditch every day, in a few days, the body heals and new blood is produced.  Dates nourish the body.  It increases libido and is beneficial to the heart.  To gain weight, boil and cool eight to ten tissue dates in a glass of milk every morning and drink the milk and eat the dates very chewy.  Dates are an excellent adjunct to lung ulcers. They are also good for the heart. Dates are cool, satisfying, heavy in digestion, sweet in juice and even after digestion.  Iron is good, so it is very good in anemia. If you eat five dates, five figs and twenty raisins a day, your body will gain strength.  Eating two to three very chewy. It strengthens the body. It is useful in cough, asthma, tuberculosis, anemia, dryness etc. Palm extract is very useful in date storage. Eating date and honey cures leprosy.


Khadiradi Kavith

 Combine kherchal and triphala to make a semi-crushed sugar.  When two teaspoons of powder are boiled in two glasses of water and one cup is left, it is cooled, one teaspoon of wavding powder and one teaspoon of bhandos are added to make it fresh for two to three weeks morning and evening.  It is called Khadiradi decoction, as the bark of kher is the main medicine in it.


 In Ayurveda it is called Atibala.  Khapata flower Kanski's teeth

 Being like that is also called combing.  Khapat plants are grown all over Gujarat.  The flowers are yellow and open in the afternoon.  Its seeds are black-brown, which is available in the market under the name of Balbij.  Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice.  It is used in many diseases of the urethra.  Useful in urticaria, urinary incontinence, urinary incontinence, insomnia, polyuria, stones, paramyo etc.  Khapat seeds are metallic.  Consumption is used in bleeding, metal loss, weakness, etc.  It is a very strong medicine.


 Two teaspoons of crushed khakra seeds are boiled in a glass of water over low heat, half of the water is burnt, then it is cooled down and drunk every night for four-five days.

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 It is called Khadir in Sanskrit.  Medium-sized, rough-skinned prickly

 After the pale yellow flowers, the kher tree has 3 to 4 inch long, slender, flattened and brown horns.  The katho used in the pan is made from kher wood.  Kher is cold, good for teeth, itching, coughing, sore throat, sore throat and anorexia.  It cures bitter, astringent, obesity, deworming, anti-diarrheal, mouth ulcers, inflammation, leprosy, thus, bile and blood diseases, jaundice and skin diseases  The cure for skin diseases is the best medicine.  (1) Three to four grams powder of kher bark mixed with water in the morning, afternoon and evening cures skin diseases.  If skin disease has spread all over the body, take a bath with boiled water of kher bark.  (2) If water, pus, blood or phlegm is leaking from the skin, wash the bad skin-ulcer with boiling bark.  (3) If a person with leprosy uses only kher in bathing, drinking and eating, he becomes disease free.  The patient with leprosy should drink a decoction of kher bark in the morning and evening for a long time and take a bath with boiled water.  (2) In the gonorrhea called Shanaimenh, the urine comes slowly and little by little.  It is caused by a cough.  And measles is caused by air.  In both these cases, it is beneficial to boil 10 gms of kher bark in two cups of water over low heat and boil it till half to one-half of the water is burnt.  (V) Boiling the bark of kher in the mouth cures dental diseases, toothache, bleeding, bad breath etc.  (2) In the living condition of Kher tree, the katho which is naturally formed in the middle of the tree is called 'Khersar'.  Every morning, afternoon, evening, by licking half a teaspoon of rice-heavy kherasar in honey, the elephantiasis disappears.  (2) If the uterus has become loose due to scurvy, clean it and remove the looseness.  Diseases such as miscarriage, excessive sexual intercourse or leprosy cause the uterus to sag.  The use of kherasar in this is like a blessing, as it strengthens the uterus.  Kheldel (2nd) Kher is the main medicine. Its dose is four to six teaspoons in the morning and evening.  Khadti Divati ​​is a tablet made by mixing 100 gms of kherasar and camphor, arecanut, nutmeg, chanakbab and cardamom in a fine powder of 50-50 grams of water each.  Benefits in sitting, mouth sores, tongue, teeth, gums, etc. are also available in Khadiradivati ​​market.


 The fruit of Chavak is called Gajpipar.  It is spicy, flatulent and expectorant,

 Inflammatory gastritis, as well as being hot, cures diarrhea, respiratory, throat diseases and stomach worms.  Gauze pepper is slightly larger than lead pepper and there is a small gap between the two qualities.


 There is a tree of 10 to 5 feet.  Like a purple, it has large edges, smooth leaves on one side and rough leaves on the other.  Plenty of yellow clusters come in summer.  The flower comes in long green pods, which are even thicker than the thumb and one and a half to two feet long.  As it matures, it dries and turns black.  When the pulp inside it dries up and the seeds fall off, these pods rattle like a dove.  The dough is sweet.  This is called a hot ball.  This is a round finder.  It does not rumble in the stomach.

NOTE: There are risks in taking home remedies without the advice of an experienced doctor.  Use every indigenous medicine according to the advice of your family doctor.  Our only hope is to put the information better.  This website and admin have no liability.


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