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 R.T.E.  Matter of giving guidelines for conducting online admission in free Std-1 in non-subsidized private primary schools in the academic year 2022-23 under the Act.  

RTE પ્રોસેસ ધોરણ 1 ની પ્રવેશ માટે માહિતી પરિપત્ર અહિ ક્લિક કરો

Reference: - 

Shi.V.  In accordance with the above subject and context, to state that the right of children to free and compulsory education Act-2006 and the right to free and compulsory education of children in 2015 to the children of weak and deprived group in non-subsidized private primary school.  Provision has been made by the Education Department with the resolution dated 6/6/2050 to decide the procedure for giving admission in Std. 1 as per 8%, A, hence in Std. 1







RTE Admission Notification Release 21st March 2023

RTE Gujarat 2023-24 Start Date 30th March 2023

RTE Form 2023-24 Gujarat Last Date 11th April 2023

Verification For RTE Form 16th April 2023

Verification Update & Document Upload Date 17th to 19th April 2023

Rejected Verification List 19th April 2023

District Certificate & Documents Submission For Rejected Form Till 21st April 2023

First Round Closing Date 26th April 2023

List of Selected Candidates For 1st Round April 2023

2nd Round May 2023

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for admission in RTE, you need to follow the following eligibility criteria given below:-

The student should be a permanent resident of the Gujarat state.

Family income should not be more than-Rs. 2 Lakh for SC / ST Candidates

Rs. 1 lakh for OBC Candidates

Rs. 68,000 for General Category

The applicant must belong from the economically weaker section of the society.


If you are applying for admissions in RTE then you must submit the following documents with your application form to the concerned authorities:-

Documents Valid Certificates

Address Proof Aadhaar Card / Passport / Electricity Bill / Telephone Bill / Water Bill / Driving Licence / Ration Card / Notarised Rent Agreement

Caste Certificate of Parents Mamlatdar Certificate

Birth Certificate Gram Panchayat, Nagar Palika, Maha Nagar Palika Birth Certificate / Hospital Register Certificate / Anganwadi, Balvadi Register Certificate / Parent or Guardian’s Affidavit

Photograph Recent Color Photograph (Passport size)

Parents Income Competent Officer Certificate

BPL Card Number BPL Card Number

NDNT Competent Officer Certificate

Orphan Orphanage Certificate / Guardian affidavit

Child in Need or Care and Protection Bal Suraksha Adhikari Certificate

Children belonging to Child care Institution Bal Suraksha Adhikari Certificate

Child Labour / Children of migrating Labourers Dept. of Labour & Employment

Mentally Challenged Child Cerebral Palsy Civil Surgeon

CWSN Civil Surgeon certificate (minimum 40%)

HIV affected Children Civil Surgeon

Child Aadhaar Card / Parent’s Aadhaar Card Copy of Child Aadhaar Card / Copy of Parent’s Aadhaar Card

Bank Details Child or Parent’s Passbook Copy

Note:- We will Update You and this post when official Notification Publish.

Step to Apply Online for RTE Gujarat Admission 2022-23 Application Form

Step 1- Visit the Official Website RTE Gujarat Admission i.e.

Step 2- On Homepage, Click on the “Online Application” link.

Step 3- Click on New Application if registering for the first time.

Step 4- If already registered, enter-

Registration Number

Date Of Birth

Step 5- Enter the required details carefully and Click on submit Button.

Step 6- A Registration/Application ID will be generated and Keep it safe for the future.

How to fill RTE Application Form Download PDF  Gujarat

Step to Apply Offline for RTE Gujarat Admission 2022-23 Application Form

Step 1: Here are the direct links to download RTE Gujarat 2022 admission application forms in PDF 

Step 2: After successfully downloading the application form you have to fill the admission form.

Step 3: Attach all of the documents which are mentioned above

Step 4: Finally, submit the application form at any School of your choice.

Check RTE Gujarat Admission Application status

Step 1- Visit the Official Website RTE Gujarat Admission i.e.

Step 2- On Homepage, Click “Print Application” option given in the left-hand side of the home page

Step 3- Enter the asked information such as Application Number & Date of Birth.

Step 4- Click on submit button and RTE Gujarat Admission Application status show on the screen.

RTE Gujarat Admission print Application Form

Step 1- Visit the Official Website RTE Gujarat Admission i.e.

Step 2- On Homepage, click the “Application Status” option given in the left-hand side of the home page.

Step 3- The application Form page will be displayed on the screen.

Step 4- Take a print of the Application Form through Print Command (CTRL+P).

The following instructions are given for free admission procedure.  

1) An advertisement has been published in various Gujarati newspapers on 20/06/2021 for admission under.  A copy of the said advertisement as well as the resolution of the education department has been sent to you by the office here, which you are asked to study in detail and implement strictly.  

(2) The date for filling online form on web portal is from 30/03/2022 to 11/04/2022.  Details of the documents required to fill up the online form are given in the link to the required document on the webportal.  The period from from 30/03/2022 to 11/04/2022. has been given to the parents to get the required time to collect this document.

 (3) Children eligible for admission under RTE Act have failed to fill up the online form.  In order not to go, you are asked to spread the word widely in electronic / print media in your district.

(4) The process of submitting the application form at the Receiving Center along with the required documents during the main admission process has been canceled due to coVID-19 global epidemic.  At the time of filling up the online form, the guardian has to upload the required proofs such as proof of date of birth, proof of residence, proof of caste / category, as well as proof of income for category number: 5, 6, 11, 12 and 13).  The guardian will have to keep the print of the online form.  The form filled online will not have to be submitted anywhere.  You are asked to spread the word from your level, 

(5) Make a banner for the parents to get guidance, all the necessary information such as admission category, income limit, required documents, where to get the document, age limit, required information to fill online form, admission  The program of action etc. should be displayed on the notice board of the district office and if necessary a help desk should be set up at the taluka level.  About which the district level will have to be publicized through local newspapers. 

 (6) To publish the details of the district office with the full address and the information of the district level helpline number in the local newspaper so that it is easy for the parents as well as the details of the helpline number must be updated accurately on the web portal.  Until the admission process is completed, help center / helpline number will have to be started at the district level.  By DEO / DPEO from 09/06/201  The work of approving / rejecting all the online applications has to be completed by 10/08/2071.  The DEO / DPEO will have to show the exact reason for rejecting the admission form as shown on the web portal.  

 Do not write that it has been rejected for other reasons.  In order to approve / reject the applications received online within the time limit, more employees / officers will have to be assigned if necessary.  

(7) Hull's Receiving Center has been closed due to the global epidemic of coVID-19.  So, a helpline has been started at the district level to help the parents.  To provide proper guidance to the parents regarding admission on this helpline number.  It is mandatory to upload the required documents along with the online application as well as to provide ancillary guidance regarding admission. 

(10) To keep in view the appointment of knowledgeable staff / officers about the RTE admission process at the district / taluka helpdesk.  The said employees / officers should be informed about the list of required documents, copy of FAQ etc. which the applicant can get from the announcement.  So that the problem of the applicant can be properly resolved.

(11) After allotment of online admission, the parents who reach the time limit in the schools, online admission form, admit card and other necessary support-proofs should be given to the schools to get admission, schools should be informed in advance for immediate admission.  After the allotment of admission, the verifier of those schools should be instructed to be in touch with the schools and parents to complete the work of confirming the admission within the time limit. 


 All the required information of all the non-subsidized private primary schools eligible for admission will have been accurately uploaded on the web portal.  Also, the certificate of 100% of the schools eligible for admission under RTE has been uploaded and the certificate will have been submitted on the web portal.  However, if any school information is left to be uploaded, it is asked to complete the work in day-3, for example, if a school is closed, a newly approved school is yet to be added, details of a school with a class increase are yet to be added,  If any school board / medium / type (boys-girls-mixed), school place change etc. is to be improved, the correction work has to be completed by keeping in touch with Day-9th Index B.  If any question arises in the entire admission process regarding this operation, you will be responsible for it.  Of which special note.  

(12) When adding a new school approved for the current year on the web portal, the number "G" in the column of RTE Seats and the number *** in the column of NON RTE Seats should be shown to indicate the ERAC.  The number of approved classes should be added to the cLAss column. In this case the number of columns of RTE Seats should remain the same.  The school information should be updated by checking the number in the column, which should be taken special note of.  

(13) All the required documents uploaded by the applicant along with the online application, as the process of obtaining copies of online applications at the receiving centers has been postponed for the current year.  The district level of the center will have to do the proper verification online and approve and reject the operation.  

(14) R, TE, the timetable for the admission procedure has been placed on the web portal and the procedure has to be completed within the time limit.

(15) As per the requirement of the verifier, help desk staff officer as well as school principals, the district level A will have to hold online meeting through video conference and give necessary guidance and instructions regarding RTE admission procedure. 

(16) Necessary planning should be done in collaboration with DEO / DPEO / AO so that the operation of the municipal area can be done with great precision and ease.  

(17) Special Note: RTE web portal still shows the intake of some schools.  Those who show serious negligence of the district, therefore, immediately check the information of your district and the school index information shown in 0 is to be corrected in the way it is to be corrected immediately.  If any question arises in the entire admission process regarding this operation, you will be responsible for it.  Enclosure: Advertising, Proposed Program

 RTE Act-2009 in the academic year 2061-6 free admission to the children of weak and deprived group in Std-1 announced by the Government of Gujarat Section of the Right of Children to Fee and Compulsory Education Act-2006  Under 12 (1) A, a scheme is being implemented in non-subsidized private primary schools to give free admission to children of weak and deprived group in Std.  Children who have completed five years on June 1, 2021 and have the following priorities are eligible for admission under this scheme as per the priority.  



Priority order | 
 Kindergarten children in need of care and protection  બાળકો Children of child laborers / Migrant laborers Children with mental retardation cerebral palsy, Children with special needs / Physically handicapped and handicapped Children as mentioned in Section 4 

(1) of the Act-2015.  (ART) Children receiving anti-retroviral therapy (ART)  Children of military / paramilitary / police personnel who have been martyred in the line of duty. Parents who have an only child and that child is only a daughter.  And others) children of BPL family 11 |  Children of Scheduled Caste (SC) and Scheduled Tribe (ST) category 12 Children of Socially and Educationally Backward Classes / Other Backward Classes / Nomadic and Deprived Caste Children of Nomadic and Deprived Caste should be given first priority in admission in this category.  General Category / Non-Reserved Class Children Note |  Income limit of Rs.1,50,000 / - per annum in rural areas and Rs.1,50,000 / - per annum for children in priority 

(2), (2), (11), (18) and (18) rural areas.  Will apply.  Admission will be given on the basis of category priority, income priority, school priority chosen by the parent etc.  To get admission, the child's guardian can visit the website from dt.  o Will be able to fill the admission form during 9/09/421.  All the necessary details in this regard such as what supporting evidence is to be submitted with the application, which officer is to be submitted, are placed on the website.  Required Support - The required period between the announcement of admission and the date of online application has been fixed so that the applicant can collect the evidence and apply online within the time limit. 

The guardian has canceled the process of submitting the form at the Receiving Center with the required documents during the admission process due to the coVID-19 epidemic.  At the time of filling up the online form, the guardian has to upload the required proofs such as proof of date of birth, proof of residence, proof of caste category, as well as proof of income (where applicable) etc.  The guardian will have to keep the print of the online form.  Forms filled online will not have to be submitted.  

RTE  STD- 1  ADMISSION 2023- 24



ફોર્મ ભરવા જરૂરી ડોક્યુમેન્ટ્સ :- અહી ક્લિક કરો

ફોર્મ ભરવા અપલોડ કરવાના ડોક્યુમેન્ટ:- અહી ક્લિક કરો

જન્મ તારીખ સોગંદનામું

Note: Plz always check and confirm the all above details with the official website and Advertisement/ notification.




ઑફિશિયલ નોટિફિકેશન (જાહેરાત) જોવા :- અહી ક્લિક કરો

નોંધ:- ઓનલાઈન ફોર્મની પ્રિન્ટ વાલીએ પોતાની પાસે રાખવાની રહેશે. ઓનલાઈન ભરેલ ફોર્મ ક્યાંય જમા કરાવવાનું રહેશે નહી.


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