The 'Great Night of Shiva', the festival of Mahashivratri is one of the most important in the list of spiritual festivals of India. Sadhguru explains why this night is so important and how we can take advantage of it.
પરિપત્ર 👆
Significance of Mahashivratri
Sadhguru: Once upon a time, in Indian culture, there used to be 365 festivals in a year. In other words, every day of the year, they used to find an excuse to celebrate some or the other day. These 365 festivals were associated with different causes and different purposes of life. These were linked to various historical events, victory and certain stages of life such as sowing, planting and harvesting crops. We had a festival for every stage and every situation. But the importance of Mahashivratri 2019 is different.
108 Name of Lord Shiv
॥ શ્રીશિવાષ્ટોત્તરશતનામાવલિઃ ॥
કર્પૂરગૌરં કરુણાવતારં સંસારસારં ભુજગેન્દ્રહારમ્ ।
સદા વસન્તં હૃદયારવિન્દે ભવં ભવાનીસહિતં નમામિ ॥
ૐ અસ્ય શ્રીશિવાષ્ટોત્તરશતનામસ્તોત્રમન્ત્રસ્ય નારાયણઋષિઃ ।
અનુષ્ટુપ્છન્દઃ । શ્રીસદાશિવો દેવતા । ગૌરી ઉમા શક્તિઃ ।
શ્રીસામ્બસદાશિવપ્રીત્યર્થે જપે વિનિયોગઃ ॥
અથ ધ્યાનમ્ ।
શાન્તાકારં શિખરિશયનં નીલકણ્ઠં સુરેશં
વિશ્વધારં સ્ફટિકસદૃશં શુભ્રવર્ણં શુભાઙ્ગમ્ ।
ગૌરીકાન્તં ત્રિતયનયનં યોગિભિર્ધ્યાનગમ્યં
વન્દે શમ્ભું ભવભયહરં સર્વલોકૈકનાથમ્ ॥
અથ નામાવલિઃ ।
ૐ શિવાય નમઃ ।
ૐ મહેશ્વરાય નમઃ ।
ૐ શમ્ભવે નમઃ ।
ૐ પિનાકિને નમઃ ।
ૐ શશિશેખરાય નમઃ ।
ૐ વામદેવાય નમઃ ।
ૐ વિરૂપાક્ષાય નમઃ ।
ૐ કપર્દિને નમઃ ।
ૐ નીલલોહિતાય નમઃ ।
ૐ શઙ્કરાય નમઃ । ૧૦ ।
ૐ શૂલપાણિને નમઃ ।
ૐ ખટ્વાઙ્ગિને નમઃ ।
ૐ વિષ્ણુવલ્લભાય નમઃ ।
ૐ શિપિવિષ્ટાય નમઃ ।
ૐ અમ્બિકાનાથાય નમઃ ।
ૐ શ્રીકણ્ઠાય નમઃ ।
ૐ ભક્તવત્સલાય નમઃ ।
ૐ ભવાય નમઃ ।
ૐ શર્વાય નમઃ ।
ૐ ત્રિલોકેશાય નમઃ । ૨૦ ।
ૐ શિતિકણ્ઠાય નમઃ ।
ૐ શિવાપ્રિયાય નમઃ ।
ૐ ઉગ્રાય નમઃ ।
ૐ કપાલિને નમઃ ।
ૐ કામારયે નમઃ ।
ૐ અન્ધકાસુરસૂદનાય નમઃ ।
ૐ ગઙ્ગાધરાય નમઃ ।
ૐ લલાટાક્ષાય નમઃ ।
ૐ કલિકાલાય નમઃ ।
ૐ કૃપાનિધયે નમઃ । ૩૦ ।
ૐ ભીમાય નમઃ ।
ૐ પરશુહસ્તાય નમઃ ।
ૐ મૃગપાણયે નમઃ ।
ૐ જટાધરાય નમઃ ।
ૐ કૈલાસવાસિને નમઃ ।
ૐ કવચિને નમઃ ।
ૐ કઠોરાય નમઃ ।
ૐ ત્રિપુરાન્તકાય નમઃ ।
ૐ વૃષાઙ્ગાય નમઃ ।
ૐ વૃષભારૂઢાય નમઃ । ૪૦ ।
ૐ ભસ્મોદ્ધૂલિતવિગ્રહાય નમઃ ।
ૐ સામપ્રિયાય નમઃ ।
ૐ સ્વરમયાય નમઃ ।
ૐ ત્રયીમૂર્તયે નમઃ ।
ૐ અનીશ્વરાય નમઃ ।
ૐ સર્વજ્ઞાય નમઃ ।
ૐ પરમાત્મને નમઃ ।
ૐ સોમસૂર્યાગ્નિલોચનાય નમઃ ।
ૐ હવિષે નમઃ ।
ૐ યજ્ઞમયાય નમઃ । ૫૦ ।
ૐ સોમાય નમઃ ।
ૐ પઞ્ચવક્ત્રાય નમઃ ।
ૐ સદાશિવાય નમઃ ।
ૐ વિશ્વેશ્વરાય નમઃ ।
ૐ વીરભદ્રાય નમઃ ।
ૐ ગણનાથાય નમઃ ।
ૐ પ્રજાપતયે નમઃ ।
ૐ હિરણ્યરેતસે નમઃ ।
ૐ દુર્ધર્ષાય નમઃ ।
ૐ ગિરિશાય નમઃ । ૬૦ ।
ૐ અનઘાય નમઃ ।
ૐ ભુજઙ્ગભૂષણાય નમઃ ।
ૐ ભર્ગાય નમઃ ।
ૐ ગિરિધન્વને નમઃ ।
ૐ ગિરિપ્રિયાય નમઃ ।
ૐ કૃત્તિવાસસે નમઃ ।
ૐ પુરારાતયે નમઃ ।
ૐ ભગવતે નમઃ ।
ૐ પ્રમથાધિપાય નમઃ ।
ૐ મૃત્યુઞ્જયાય નમઃ । ૭૦ ।
ૐ સૂક્ષ્મતનવે નમઃ ।
ૐ જગદ્વ્યાપિને નમઃ ।
ૐ જગદ્ગુરુવે નમઃ ।
ૐ વ્યોમકેશાય નમઃ ।
ૐ મહાસેનજનકાય નમઃ ।
ૐ ચારુવિક્રમાય નમઃ ।
ૐ રુદ્રાય નમઃ ।
ૐ ભૂતપતયે નમઃ ।
ૐ સ્થાણવે નમઃ ।
ૐ અહિર્બુધ્ન્યાય નમઃ । ૮૦ ।
ૐ દિગમ્બરાય નમઃ ।
ૐ અષ્ટમૂર્તયે નમઃ ।
ૐ અનેકાત્મને નમઃ ।
ૐ સાત્ત્વિકાય નમઃ ।
ૐ શુદ્ધવિગ્રહાય નમઃ ।
ૐ શાશ્વતાય નમઃ ।
ૐ ખણ્ડપરશવે નમઃ ।
ૐ રજસે નમઃ ।
ૐ પાશવિમોચનાય નમઃ ।
ૐ મૃડાય નમઃ । ૯૦ ।
ૐ પશુપતયે નમઃ ।
ૐ દેવાય નમઃ ।
ૐ મહાદેવાય નમઃ ।
ૐ અવ્યયાય નમઃ ।
ૐ હરયે નમઃ ।
ૐ ભગનેત્રભિદે નમઃ ।
ૐ અવ્યક્તાય નમઃ ।
ૐ દક્ષાધ્વરહરાય નમઃ ।
ૐ હરાય નમઃ ।
ૐ પૂષાદન્તભિદે નમઃ । ૧૦૦ ।
ૐ અવ્યગ્રાય નમઃ ।
ૐ સહસ્રાક્ષાય નમઃ ।
ૐ સહસ્રપદે નમઃ ।
ૐ અપવર્ગપ્રદાય નમઃ ।
ૐ અનન્તાય નમઃ ।
ૐ તારકાય નમઃ ।
ૐ પરમેશ્વરાય નમઃ ।
ૐ ત્રિલોચનાય નમઃ । ૧૦૮ ।
॥ ઇતિ શ્રીશિવાષ્ટોત્તરશતનામાવલિઃ ॥
Why is Mahashivratri celebrated?
The fourteenth day of every lunar month or a day before the new moon is known as Shivratri. Of all the Shivaratris that occur in a calendar year, Mahashivratri, which falls in the months of February-March, is considered to be the most important. On this night, the northern hemisphere of the planet is positioned in such a way that there is a natural upward movement of energy within humans. It is a day when nature helps man to reach his spiritual peak. To utilize this time, in this tradition, we celebrate a festival, which lasts all night. Celebrated throughout the night, special care is taken to ensure that the natural flow of energies has full opportunity to rise – you are constantly awake – keeping your spine straight.
Significance of Mahashivratri
Mahashivratri holds great significance for the seekers walking on the spiritual path. It is also very important for those who are in family circumstances and are engrossed in worldly ambitions. People engrossed in family circumstances celebrate Mahashivratri as a celebration of the marriage of Shiva. People engrossed in worldly ambitions celebrate Mahashivratri as the day of Shiva's victory over his enemies. But, for the seekers, it is the day on which they merged with Mount Kailash. Like a mountain, he became steady and motionless. In the yogic tradition, Shiva is not worshiped as a deity. He is considered to be the Adi Guru, the first Guru, from whom knowledge arose. After many millennia of meditation, one day he became completely stable. That day was Mahashivratri. All the activities within him became calm and he became completely still, so the seekers celebrate Mahashivratri as the night of stillness.
Spiritual Significance of Mahashivratri
Leaving the legend behind it, this day holds special significance in yogic traditions because it offers many possibilities for the spiritual seeker. Modern science, going through many stages, has come to the point where they have given you proof that whatever you know as life, matter and existence, what you know as the universe and constellations. I know; All that is just one energy, which manifests itself in millions and millions of forms. This scientific fact is a truth derived from an experience for every yogi. The word 'yogi' refers to a person who has come to know the oneness of existence. When I say 'yoga', I am not referring to any particular practice or tantra. The whole desire to know this infinite expansion and the oneness in existence is yoga.
Shivratri - Darkest day of the month
Shivratri is the darkest day of the month. Celebrating Shivratri and Mahashivratri every month seems as if we are celebrating the festival of darkness. A reasoning mind would like to choose the light instinctively, rejecting the darkness. But this is the literal meaning of Shiva, 'that which is not'. 'What is' is existence and creation. 'He who is not' is Shiva. 'That which is not' means, if you open your eyes and look around and you have a subtle vision you will be able to see many creations.
If your gaze goes only to huge things, you will see that the greatest void is the greatest presence of existence. Some points, which we call galaxies, are visible, but the vast emptiness that holds them is not visible to everyone. This expansion, this infinite emptiness is called Shiva. At present, modern science has also proved that everything stems from nothingness and dissolves into nothingness. It is in this context that Shiva i.e. vast emptiness or emptiness is known as Mahadev.
In every religion and culture on this planet, there has always been talk of the omnipresent nature of divinity. If we look at it, the only thing that can be truly omnipresent, something that can be present everywhere, is only darkness, emptiness, or emptiness. Generally, when people seek their own well-being, we represent that divine in the form of light. We always define divinity for them as darkness when people focus on dissolution, rising above their own well-being, transcending their lives, and dissolution is the object of their worship and spiritual practice.
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